The 13 ruling families: The Rothschild (part six)

Co-masters of the World – Control over Satanism & Witchcraft: “Chapter 2.11 gives the names of a Witchcraft Council of 13 which is under Rothschild control and in turn issue orders to various groups. One of the purest form of Satanism can be traced to the Jewish Sabbatain sect and its Frankist spinoff. The leaders of this up to the Rothschilds were:

Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676); Nathan of Gaza (16??-??); Jacob Frank (1726-1791) and Rothschilds.

Three connections between Satanism, evil, and money: Money naturally attracts itself to evil. For instance, if a woman prostitutes herself she may receive a great sum of money, but who will pay her for keeping her virginity or her dignity? If you are a hit man a large amount of money is yours if you kill your target. Who will pay you if you would miss your target?

Second, evil men believe in where there is a will there is a way, and they are willing to sell their souls for their God money. They will employ evil to gain money.

While most people are quite aware of these last two connections, a third may likelyhave escaped their attention. Thirdly, the principle group of men who cranked up International Banking were Satanists from the beginning. These Satanists now are the ones who run the Federal Reserve and are responsable for the creation of U.S. Federal Reserve notes. Just having total control over the supply of U.S. paper money almost gives them leverage over the world’s finances, without mentioning they control the world bank. It is no accident then, than once they established world financial control, they would do all in their power to divide and conquer and destroy both the Christian and the Moslem faith in God. These powerful Bankers relate to faith in God as Cain related to his brother Abel. That they may be related to the Jewish people, does not mean they have the Jewish people’s best interest at heart. Initially Sabbetai Zevi was rejected by many Jews. His sect gained momentum in second half of the seventeenth century in southeastern Poland. In 1759-60, 500 Jewish Sabbateans ‘converted’ to Christianity. In 1715, 109 of the 415 Jewish families in Frankfurt were engaged in moneylending. The rest were merchants of various kinds. The concepts that Satanism holds to were a natural shoe in to justify for many of these Jewish bankers the type of behaviour they were engaged in.

Long-Story Short: Many divisions and battles between religious elements in the world have been encouraged and supported by the Power’s wealth. Unfortunately, many have been fooled into thinking that being devout and faithful to God is the source of religious fighting. In some areas of the world, Moslems, Christians, and others have gotten along fine for centuries. Religious tensions do spring to some degree from within the religions themselves, but the fuel to keep those fires burning and to light up conflicts often come from the Power’s wealth. An obvious example is the Iran-Iraq war.”

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