Dr. James Wardner’s lecture on freemasonic enemies of America and the World (11)

“U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim paid a visit to the Vatican in February 1972. On this occasion Paul VI said ‘Today we wish once again to repeat what we said from the platform of the U.N. We are ready to give to this organization our full support.’ Promise keepers, which is creeping into every single church in this nation. It is all about the destruction of dogma and doctrine, completely offending what Paul said to Timothy in the two books of Timothy – to defend the doctrine of the faith.

What I like to do today is go to the extreme to see where we are, just to prove my point. So, I’ll often go to someone’s writings like satanist David Spangler or Manley P. Hall‘s Journey in Truth, another satanist, to find out that what the witchcraft people and the satanist people and the occultic people desire is a universal religion. This is Satan’s desire and this goes all the way back to what I have showed you before – to the tower of Babel.

This is from Morals and Dogma and I find these things so interesting: ‘The seeds of decay were sown in the order of the temple at its origin. Hypocrisy is a moral disease. It had conceived a great work.’ Now, ‘great work’. Do you remember I just mentioned the speech to the United Nations ‘You are doing a great work’?

‘It had conceived a great work which it was incapable of executing. The Knights Templar, worshippers of Baphomet, driven out of Europe by the Pope and Philip III. Why? Because it knew neither humility nor personal abnegation because Rome was then invincible.’

I have a picture here. This is a picture of Cardinal Bernardin. Take a look at his right hand.

As I pass that round and you’ll see a very definitive gesture. In the book ‘The Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ we read ‘The true mason is not creed bound.’ See, you all believe in the apostles. Creed. So, ‘the true mason is not creed bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge, that as a mason his religion must be universal. Christ, Buddha, or Mohammad, the name means little. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque, or cathedral, realizing with his true understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth.’

Tomorrow I will show you acetates of John Paul II at the Jewish Temple. John Paul II at the World Council of Churches. John Paul II at the Trilateral Commission. John Paul II at the mosque and John Paul II with the Lutheran Church. John Paul II talking to the Patriarch Buddha fulfilling this philosophy of ‘The lost keys of freemasonry’.”

The lecture can be heard here.

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