Alan Watt on how ‘the war on terror’ is truly ‘the war of terror’ (part six) – the United Nations agenda and the show politics

“I can’t say that enough because it crops up all the time. Even in scientific experiments, there’s a famous one they do all with every intake of students: starting off a big cage with a couple of rats. You watch them with the social behavior until they breed to a specific number, and then they become deviant. They turn on each other. They bite each other. They might even eat each other, and there’s all kinds of deviant sexual aberrations breakout as well. It’s the same with humans, and that’s why, for cultural change, those who run the techniques of culture decided that cities would be their main beehive for creating the system for the whole world, but the rural people must be put off their lands. That was a prime thing to do.

Even in ancient times, Rome fell not just because of barbarians invading them, but because they taxed the rural population so much that they eventually rose up at the end and finished off Rome. However, not before the elite got out with all their loot to start off an empire elsewhere, as they always do. Today, the elite have already been getting cities—the most ultramodern cities built for themselves in China to accommodate primarily a middle-class bureaucratic white population—with all the most recent amenities that they’re used to, or even that they’re not used to yet. They’re more advanced than America. These are sparkling brand new cities. They used the technocrats, the scientific elite, and the scientific types of bureaucracies that we now have running this world, and they’ve also set up and they’re setting up new cities in Bahrain in the Middle East. That will expand as well, as they take country after country over.

What will happen to the old countries? They’ve served their purpose. America was the New World and this is a New World Order. It’s moved on from America.

What do they do when an empire has served its purpose?

They collapsed the empire behind it. This is standard down through history. We’re already living through the collapse. We’re seeing the price inflation. We’re seeing all the phoniness around us. The cheap, cheap things we buy that don’t last long. They all break. They’re non-repairable. We’re seeing the end of an era—basically, the end of a plan. We’re watching the Big Boys manage the strings or the puppets, and we’re all supposed to dance to their tune at the bottom without thinking. Unfortunately, most people do not think. They’d rather believe that just a bad bunch took over the government recently, and that’s why things are “going to pot,” but nothing is further from the truth.

Jefferson was a member of the Old Illuminati of his day, from the old French Lodge, as was Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was the Grand Master of the Grand Orient Lodge in France. They both said the same thing: that the United States of the Americas would be a nucleus of a World Federation. They both knew the agenda. They said it would be run eventually, down the road, by a council of 12 wise men. They also warned the public because they spoke with ‘forked tongues,’ one tongue for the public, one tongue for themselves and between themselves.  They warned that when you see an agenda unfolding between the takeovers of different parties in government, whether it’s left-wing or right-wing, followed by a right-wing and then followed by left-wing. When you see this same agenda unfolding, regardless of who seems to be in power, then you will know that you are under tyranny.

People haven’t noticed that regardless of who seems to be in power, the United Nations agenda has steamrolled ahead since World War II without any halt, then you know you’re not sovereign. You know you’re under tyranny and you have been. The politics you’ve seen for the last fifty years, sixty years has been show politics. Show politics only. It’s a drama put on and staged for public consumption, because they knew they had to make you believe you had rights, and that you had representation, and that these boys were really there to speak for you. If you watch what they really did during all of those different changes of Congresses, it was the same agenda. You never saw one party coming in and saying, ‘we’re going to change what the last party did. We’re going to throw that out.’ It doesn’t happen that way. They continue to take up where the last ones left off. That’s what Jefferson was warning about; and it’s all around you, it has been all your life.”

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