Alan Watt on how ‘the war on terror’ is truly ‘the war of terror’ (part four) – overpopulation

“In Canada, Allen Rock, this strange lifelong politician who always got put into high cabinet positions, he was in charge of the Justice Department for Canada in the ’90s. He single-handedly put through a complete omnibus bill, which was exactly the same as the anti-terrorist bill, and the newspaper reporters at the time were all questioning, ‘What is this for? Nothing is happening in the world. The Cold War is over. They didn’t have this during the Cold War, and what’s going on?’  Of course, none of them dared go any further because they’re not supposed to. The media is all bought and paid for (and they like their paychecks), and this went through. They actually had it on the books before it happened, around 1998, before 2001 came up. We were already ready for it.  After 9/11, it was announced on the CBC in Canada (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), which is run by the government, that basically all security forces were integrated already with that of the United States, including the intelligence services.

This was all planned.  It had to be. They made all the preparations in advance of 9/11.   9/11 kicked off the event; the high occultic symbol and it falls within the Old Ides of September as they call it, where a goddess is born outside of the head of Zeus or Kronos himself. A self-born God means a new system, something which willed itself into existence in the high occultic circles, which the elite all belong to. They’re taught this stuff at the top, so there’s nothing new under the sun, just the same techniques over and over with occultic terminology to get an agenda going.

The biggest problem has been written on the books in sociology for the last hundred, two hundred years—actually going back to the 1700s in the days of Thomas Malthus, the economist for the British East India Company—was overpopulation. They always believe there’s a magic number the population will reach, and then there will be chaos. They couldn’t keep control over them. Therefore, they’ve been very, very busy for centuries of finding ways of culling us off. Malthus suggested they put all of the ‘useless eaters,’ and the sick and the deformed and so on, in special housing in the worst areas outside cities, over swamps and areas, so they’d die. Help them die quicker. He was a very humanitarian type of fellow, and also diet was very important, according to Malthus. You’ll find diet is very important in all ages.

Even the Egyptians practiced special diets for the slaves. If they wanted them to be fit and healthy physically but not too fit, they would walk off elsewhere or walk outside into another country and escape. They didn’t want them too bright, so they knew the combinations of foods to give them, which would feed the body to an extent but not the mind. They were rather slow, you might say. Look around you today. Everything that you eat has been under attack. All of the food you’re buying is processed. It’s grown by big agribusinesses, and it’s all genetically modified, which is to modify you. Back in a minute after these messages.”

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