Alan Watt on how ‘the war on terror’ is truly ‘the war of terror’ (part eight) – the rejected genes

“Hi folks. Alan Watt standing in for Michael Herzog. I’m going through just a few things quickly to do with how we arrived at the present state we’re in and where we’re going very shortly. The plans were made a long time ago, and the one thing you can count on is the planners never change their agenda. They stick to it by all means possible. That’s why we’re in for the long haul. We’re going to go through hell before we come through and see any light on the other side. There’s no doubt about that. They’ve already hired thousands of psychopaths on the lower level to do their brutal work for them. In today’s society, which is totally atheized, they’ve got many to choose from to recruit, guys who have been brought up watching video games and playing video games and worshipping the black outfits of the police state, the black colors of the executioner. That’s why all police now have changed to black uniforms. They’re not there as police officers or peace officers now. They’re there as law enforcement agents and that’s why they wear black, the executioner. They’ve got authority to kill. Unfortunately the psychopaths they recruit that come from a generation of games where the only object is to kill, kill, kill and win at the end, and wear the same uniform as your new brotherhood. The new brotherhood that you belong to, that’s your new family. The same technique they use in all militaries in all ages.

We’re in for the long haul of brutality and we’ve got to act now and speak out everywhere we can to stop this, because if one generation grows up watching terrorism all over the place, at least the threat of it and cops everywhere wearing combat outfits and machine guns, it’s going to be very difficult to change. That type of system could last a hundred years and that’s why Rumsfeld himself said, ‘this war might take a hundred years to complete.’  Now he’s talking about a whole agenda into a completely new way of living, where the old ways are gone. Where you don’t marry who you decide to marry or even divorce who you want to divorce. You’ll have to get permission initially in one stage to even mate if they deem you acceptable, then the next step for another generation will be now they’re going to make you from scratch, all in Petri dishes basically. That’s where it’s to go and they’re not kidding about this. They’re not kidding at all.

They call the commoners ‘the rejected genes.’ We’re the junk genes that didn’t make it to the top of glory and power. Whereas those who have held onto it through families and interbreeding of the same families over thousands of years and who have gained the power; who have gained the finances and held on to it, they’re shown by their Darwinistic socialistic techniques that they’re obviously deemed to rule the rest of us and act like our betters. They are our new gods in other words. We’re seeing it all come out now with the arrogance from statements in the press by the elite themselves, so we have to get used to this.  We have to fight against it, too, because one generation cannot grow up wearing black clad outfits and holding the guns on the whole populations. It will become a ruthless society. Back in a little while.

I’m Alan Watt. I’m standing in for Michael Herzog today, who’s trying to catch up on a lot of work. I know the feeling because you’ll be surprised at even the talks I do on cuttingthroughthematrix how much time that takes to do. Not so much the talk, but all the formatting et cetera that goes on in that uploading to all the sites.  I encourage you all to go in there and look at and for many, many free talks I’ve given over the last few years on this agenda and all how it ties together. How all the parts that are intricately woven together. Interwoven like the finest silk. All the huge organizations and branches, and the top executive leaders and how they work in politics and as the CEOs of big international corporations. We’re under a type of fascism at the top, which is to run the people at the bottom under a form of communism; and that’s the trick of it, the big axe of the fascia stands above the moon and the star of communism. That’s really what the old scythe stood for, Saturn.

Now I believe there are some callers coming in. Feel free to call in and we’ll have a chat. Maybe I can answer some of your questions for you. Meanwhile I’ll continue with what I’m talking about now, which is how the Twin Towers basically was a world signal—a big occultic bang to set off a new part of the agenda. The next phase which is the new world taking a system into the rest of the world. A New World Order basically. A speech given by Daddy Bush or Poppy Bush, which is more appropriate since he has big dealings with the drugs that come in from the heroine and the poppies grown in Afghanistan. In his speech back in 1990 and in ’91, both given on September 11th on the New World Order, a term he kept using but was never really explained to the public. It wasn’t meant for the public, because the public, you see, are kept in the dark. It was for the high members of his own circle, like the Skull and Bones, the pirate flag, the Old Templar symbol. That’s what it was meant for.”

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