“The sin of this century is the loss of the sense of sin.”—Pope Pius XII

Many people got caught up in yet another deceit: the statement of Pope Francis asking for the blessing of same sex couples.

Some reasoned that this act of blessing is similar to the blessing of a house, or pets. Others reasoned that this act of blessing does not necessarily equate to agreeing with such a union.

Do not be deceived, dear humanity. Out of love and respect, focus on Christ.

As Pope Pius XII had stated “The sin of this century is the loss of the sense of sin.”

We must, not only as Christians, but also as loving hearts, never condemn the individuals but we must condemn what is not righteous and what is sinful. We must condemn what is not moral. And this does not only apply to same-sex unions and couples, but also to sexual promiscuity across all types of genders, even in heterosexuality.

The Holy Spirit is not the agent of same-sex union and same-sex love.

The Holy Spirit is not the agent of women’s ordination.

The Holy Spirit is not the agent of the LGBTQ/Pride movement.

The Holy Spirit is not the agent of pluralism and relativism.

The Holy Spirit is not the agent of the promotion of sin.

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