The media again twists Phylisienne Brincat’s online video clarification and turns it into an apology to prove that their reporting was right

In an online video, Phylisienne Brincat has clarified herself, clarifications which confirm what this site has written in other blogs.

Brincat said that she was referring to the first sin of Adam and Eve and that in no way did she have the intention to hurt people with any form of disability and their parents. She even issued an apology.

Funnily, PBS has condemned Brincat’s statements and dissociated itself from Brincat. PBS should in the first place, prohibit the airing of any programs which fuel propaganda and which do not serve, not even an ounce, to enhance the intelligence and thinking abilities of the popolin.

Also, PBS should avoid to have religious discussions debated so haphazardly in such poor programs.

In the video, Brincat also reminded the public that she also has a sister with disability, adding that as a music and singing teacher, she also taught students with disability whom she loved dearly.

What does the manipulative media do? Both Newsbook and the flowery tail of the propaganda monster,, say that she apologised, so to make Brincat sound guilty and that what they reported, was correct.

How disgusting. Purely disgusting.

Brincat, in reality, clarified herself, so that this popolin of a snowflake mentality and cognitive ability, understands what she truly meant.

But snowflakes will always remain snowflakes until they disintegrate into mere flakes into nothingness.

My advise to religious groups, Christians, Catholics and whoever is invited to debate religious topics: either refuse to go on such programmes or else be innocent as doves but wise as serpents (Matthew 10:16) because when you are being invited, you are being thrown in the midst of wolves, so that the liberals have a field day making fun of you with the aim to distract the nation of what is truly going on in the world, the corruption of this government and to keep on slowly turning the nation into anti-Christians – the fine persecution which is being fomented against Christians.

Here is another interesting online discussion about this by those who do not swallow the lies:

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