The Heresies of Pope Francis (8) – atheists can go to heaven

In Matthew 7: 13-14, Jesus warned us that going to heaven is neither easy nor an easy path: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

But, apparently, according to Pope Francis, everybody can go to heaven: paedophiles, atheists and whatever. I think even if you are a devout Christian or Catholic, or a firm believer in Jesus, is also very hard because we sin every day, let alone. Being Christian is not an easy path. Not only your are rejected by the masses but you are literally walking the opposite path of the world. From my experience, it is a lot of hard work. But Pope Francis has turned heaven into another lodge where all people of various religions and sinners, will enjoy together the after-life. This time it was the turn of the atheists.

It was on 15th April 2018, when Pope Francis paid a visit and met with people from a suburban neighbourhood on the west side of Rome. A young child named Emanuele, whose father was an atheist, asked Pope Francis whether his father who had recently passed away, might be in heaven. Pope Francis replied that if he “had a good heart,” then God was proud of him. One wonders if Pope Francis is informed by God of whether people have gone to heaven or not.

These are the teachings of the new age religion: that if you have a good heart and do good deeds in life, then you can go to heaven. In reality, this is not enough. It is what Jesus did for us on the cross. It is a whole package. You cannot claim to believe in Jesus and then you do all sorts of evil during your lifetime. And you cannot be a “good person” and then reject Jesus.

The Holy Scripture teaches us that only those who believe in the One True God can be saved, and this God is our Lord the Saviour Jesus Christ.

Mark 16, 16: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemnded.”

Romans 1, 20: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. His eternal power also and divinity: so taht they (pagans) are inexcusable.

It was also Pope Pius IX who had stated “If anyone shall have denied the one true God, Creator and Lord of visible and invisible things: let him be anathema.”

Pope Francis should not be lying in the name of “good”. Instead, he should be leading good souls to a good path, as a good shepherd does. And you do so by speaking Truth.

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Masons wanted: a pope who would be sympathetic to humanitarian principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and human dignity at the expense of Truth and at the expense of not honouring Christ?

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