The Bilderberg Group: one of the most powerful front organizations of the Illuminati

The Bilderberg Group is one of the most powerful front organizations of the Illuminati, which functions as a covert organization unto itself. This group was founded at the start of the 1950s by Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, one of the pioneers of the European movement, and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former SS officer. These two individuals scheduled regular meetings for the foreign ministers of Europe. The group’s name comes from their initial meeting, which took place in the Hôtel Bilderberg in the Dutch Oosterbreck between May 29 and May 31, 1954. The core of the organization is made up of an elite group of 39 individuals known as the Steering Committee. They were once led by Prince Bernhard, a close ally of the British Crown, but they are not elected.

Since 1954, secret meetings have been scheduled at least once a year in various locations. About 120 people from Western Europe, the US, and Canada’s high finance circles make up the membership. The independent news magazine “Spotlight” has been able to report from the meetings despite the fact that they are very secret and that nothing, or very little, leaks to the international media (which is understandable given that the majority of Media Moguls are Bilderbergers; so much for free press). The public may learn some details about the meetings because the reporters were able to covertly place listening devices in specific locations.

Political leaders from various nations are also invited. The Committee covers the cost of their plane tickets, as well as gratuitous food and beverages. By 2012, the group hopes to establish a global army through the UN and a world government. Computers are going to play a part in the takeover. Inside the massive Microsoft headquarters building is a satanic lodge owned by Bill Gates, a Microsoft director and member of the Illuminati.

The “invisible world government” is another term for the Bilderberg Group. It is obvious that the politicians involved are engaging in bribery given the nature of the meetings. Here, it is suggested that they betray their own nations by misleading their own citizens and selling out their sovereign states to the EU. It is High Treason that many of our elected politicians are covertly engaging in this behavior behind our backs.

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