Secret Societies

Throughout human history, there have always been secret societies. Commencing thousands of years ago, the “Brotherhood of the Snake” was a covert organization that alluded to Satan, also known as the Great Serpent, in the Garden of Eden. The Old Testament gods are evil, according to the Illuminati, and Satan is a good god. They believe that while God attempted to repress knowledge, Satan gave it to man. From this perspective, Satanism was created and is still used in secret societies today. In the stone tablets that record the Sumerian scriptures, and which date back at least 6000 years ago, the Anunnaki are described as “they who from heaven came.” Is this referring to Lucifer and the rest of the fallen angels?

There are several theories regarding the origins of the secret knowledge held by secret societies. The fact is that secret societies have existed in the background throughout human history. When certain influential members of the Brotherhood disagreed with one another, the original Brotherhood quickly broke up into cults. As various forms of control emerged, they began to battle one another covertly from the general public while still engaging in internal conflict (which persists to this day). They created the various cults, sects, and religions so that people would be preoccupied with other activities and would not investigate the true activities of the Brotherhood. They took control of the churches in order to trick people and foment strife between various religious perspectives. The majority of conflicts in history have been religious in nature.

Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, the Knight Templars, Ordo Templi Orientis, the Knights of Malta, and other organizations emerged from the original Brotherhood. Some may argue that, for instance, Freemasonry is a Christian society and a charitable organization. Yes, that is what the secret society’s majority of members believe and what we are told. The great majority of those involved are decent people who are unaware of what is done at the highest levels, such as Satanism and the worship of evil forces. The secret to what is going on in today’s world is that they serve Satan or Lucifer rather than God.

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