Newsbook turns into the good old Samaritan and condemns Malta for not helping illegal immigrants at sea instead of defending and protecting Malta from the Kalergi Plan’s aim to destroy the Maltese European identity

Newsbook has suddenly turned into a good old Samaritan and has condemnded Malta for not helping illegal immigrants at sea.

It tapped on the people’s heart in order to elicit an emotion of pity in its article “Malta ignores call to rescue people in distress at sea – Alarm Phone”.

Newsbook describes how on Sunday afternoon, BGO Alarm Phone “said that it was alerted to a grey fiberglass boat with some 44 people on board” who were without water and food and needed medical assistance, while they drifted at sea in a fibreglass boat.

Excuse me, but can someone explain to me how these boats manage to cross miles and miles at sea with illegal immigrants on board with no food and water? Why are they in distress the minute the boats reach Maltese shores? The boats should not be leaving their country in the first place, without mentioning the human trafficking issue!

Newsbook added that “in a later update, Alarm Phone said that more than six hours after alerting Malta’s authorities to the boat, ‘there’s still no rescue in sight!'” and that although there were two merchant vessels, the Lita and Tangguhpalung close by, it feared that “RCC Malta will order them to ignore the distressed, as they have done so many times before.”

According to Newsbook, and Alarm Phone, by Monday morning, “the people on the boat survived the night, ‘but they are still at sea and can only move on slowly. Nobody came to rescue them. They report high waves and fear for their lives. Rescue is needed now!'”

Then, Newsbook points at Malta and condemns it for continuing to coordinate pushbacks of asylum seekers at sea even though of an ongoing case at the International Criminal Court and besides the accusations of NGOs and human rights advocates. Excuse me, what about the human rights of the Maltese people, the indigenous people of Malta?

Lest I am misunderstood – I am in no way stating that any human should not be helped. But in no way will I endorse the agenda behind illegal immigration. In no way will I endorse the Kalergi Plan. In no way will I accept this country to be turned into one where the Maltese have become a minority and in no way will I accept my country to become more suffocated than it is. This country cannot hold the current population as it is right now, let alone if this continue to grow.

So, I applaud and praise Malta for these pushbacks despite the statistics compiled for the ECRE which show that Malta has failed to rescue 7,459 illegal immigrants in 2022 and despite the fact that it was involved in 14 pushbacks.

What a shame for Newsbook to condemn Malta! It should be defending Malta and the Maltese people, first and foremost.

And it is a shame for Newsbook to end its article quoting the UN when the UN should be speaking up for Europe and Europeans.

And yet, neither the UN nor anyone else has yet answered my question as to why do we always see illegal immigrants crossing from Africa to Europe, invading us and taking up the little space we hardly have for us on this little island, and why don’t they go to other countries, outside of Europe.

If Newsbook wants to be the good Samaritan, it should inform the public about the Kalergi Plan and the agenda behind the illegal immigration so that in this way, the African countries and their people are truly helped to build a good, healthy, and prosperous life in their country, and we do the same, in ours.

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