How about all those candidates who acquired a driving license through fraud are given a harsher penalty than that suggested by the Malta Insurance Association?

The Malta Insurance Association said that it is essential that Transport Malta does not linger and finds out who are those persons who were given the driving license under dubious circumstances and that they are ordered to re-sit for the driving license test.

The NGO Doctors for Road Safety argued on the need that every person who was given a driving license thanks to “external” interference should be reviewed again. Meanwhile, the Association of Teachers (MEA) warned Prime Minister Robert Abela that his statements about the driving license racket “are inviting anarchy.”

Excuse me, how about a harsher penalty? How about taking away the driving license and suspend these individuals from driving for a number of years?

Because, the message of the Malta Insurance Association is that you can bypass procedures, get what you want, and if you are not caught, then you can get away with it. If you are caught, it is not a problem at all. You can re-do everything as per normal procedures and if you pass, then you can resume with your life. Is there a lesson that is being learnt in this way?

What is the message that is being passed on to the younger and future generations?

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