starts preparing the popolin for the anti-Christian feast of Halloween. Ex-Satanist John Ramirez warns about its dangers

Here we go again. Another year. Same story. Same nausea. Same narrative being pushed. Same ‘u ijja don’t exaggerate. It is just a trick or treat fun. The kids must have fun.’

I have already talked on what is wrong with Halloween in a previous article., albeit being super early, has already published an article asking the popolin what kind of costume it is thinking of buying and what will be the most popular costumes. It is one of those articles which requires endless hours of research to finally get to it and publish it:

I am not going to explain further how Halloween is an anti-Christian thing and it is something which the local popolin who claim that they are fervent Catholics and that they love their saints bla bla should avoid celebrating. After all, this nation is at a state of no return. It is a nation which cannot understand that those who are trying to tell it the truth, is trying to free it from a prison it does not even know it is in. So, this time, you are going to hear it from the horse’s mouth, an ex-Satanist, John Ramirez:

Ex-Satanist John Ramirez warns Christian parents of the dangers of celebrating Halloween. “It’s like having a one night stand with the devil. There’s a quote by Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan, where he says in his own words, ‘I want to thank every Christian parent for allowing their children to celebrate the devil one night out of the year,’ which is Halloween. He’s intentionally thanking Christian parents. Thank you for dressing up your kids, changing their identity, sacrificing spiritually.”

He likened the practice to having a “one night stand”, saying: “We go celebrate Halloween; we’re in bed with the devil for one night. To me, it’s like, why would you want to cheat on Jesus? Jesus doesn’t cheat on you. I don’t see the satanists coming to your church to cheat on the devil. No way!”

John Ramirez was once one of the highest ranking warlocks in the world, until Jesus saved his life. His friends called him “Lucifer’s Son” because Satan himself would visit him regularly in his bedroom to talk about strategies for destroying people’s lives. One night John had a near-death experience where he found himself in hell, but Jesus showed up himself and gave him one last chance to come to Christ. John took that chance and never looked back.

Ramirez came back from that near-death experience and destroyed $100,000 worth of satanic paraphernalia in his New York home, and was then “tormented for 30 days” by his past demons. But it didn’t stop him from living his new life for Christ. Today he is a Pastor, evangelist, and best-selling Christian author, and he warns the church of the dangers and realities of spiritual warfare.

“The only harvest we should celebrate is the harvest of souls,” Ramirez said. “Jesus Christ is your answer. It’s a relationship with God. Make peace with God…Pray. Prayer works. The power of Satan is limited. It’s a hoax. And the power of Jesus is limitless and it brings you to a place of knowing your purpose and destiny of who you really are created to be.”

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