Father Altman on the errors of Pope Francis and that he is the antipope (5)

“Bergoglio has, by what he has said and done, and by what he has failed to say and do, he has, as St Thomas Aquinas taught us, schismed away from the Church. Understand, dear family, we are not the schismatics when we hold fast to the deposit of faith, by holding fast to the unchanged and unchangeable truth. Rather it is Bergoglio and his buddies, his bffs who are the schismatics, who have schismed far from the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. They are the schismatics, dear family, not us.

So, dear family let the scales fall from your eyes.

Neither the Dalai Lama, nor Martin Luther, nor an Imam, nor Rabbi, can be a pope because none of them are Catholic. Neither can Bergoglio because Bergoglio is not Catholic. But don’t take my word for it, again and again, you never have to take my word for it. Saint Robert Bellarmine, cardinal and doctor of the church, drawing upon 1500 years of the deposit of faith, of saints and martyrs, such as Saint Tarcissus who defended the Holy Eucharist under his martyrdom such as St Charles Lwanga, and his companions, who stood up against the king’s homosexual advances, and were tortured and martyred as a consequence.

Saint Robert Bellarmine, cardinal and doctor of the Church wrote and I quote:

‘A pope, manifestly a heretic, ceases in himself to be pope and head in the same way he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church and for this reason can be judged and punished by the Church.’

But don’t hold your breath waiting for any of the 99 vipers that Bergoglio has named as a cardinal, like the newest ‘heal me with your mouth’ ‘ Fernandez, don’t expect any of his cronies to throw him out any more than the Sanhedrin threw out Caiaphas who championed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Instead, dear family, let us use the brains God gave us and realize, admit, confess, Jorge Bergoglio is not the pope because Jorge Bergoglio is not Catholic. He is a fraud, he is an imposter, he is a viper from hell. It’s a memo to Bergoglio in every American cardinal, save Cardinal Burke. When you die, and it won’t be long, and you meet Jesus Christ the Lord, beside him will be standing Saint Tarcissus, Saint Charles Lwanga, and Saint Robert Bellarmine and they will block the entrance to heaven and they will watch you fall to your eternal damantion, into the unquenchable fires of hell. That’s how Jesus described it.

To which I only can say, out of love and concern for you dear family, the eternal souls they are leading astray, this cannot happen soon enough. Keep the faith, dear family. Keep the faith. Keep the faith in the unchanged and unchangeable truth that has been handed down to us by 2000 years of saints and martyrs, of really Catholic popes and cardinals, doctors of the Church.

Keep the faith, no matter what.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

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