Dr Nick Begich on mind control: tools for stimulating the brain

“This simply technology which many you’re probably familiar with – hemi-sync. This is a whole brain coherence.

This is right out of the patents. The patent number is there.

This is sort of the before and there’s the after effect. Now take a look at the left brain, right brain. That’s what you are looking at there. Take a look back on the right side facing the screen [in the first picture]. It’s a normal brain. Hemi-sync resonates both hemispheres, creative an analytical side to run together the way that they were intended to work. We hear a lot about left brain, right brain, people are this way, that way. We are both ways if we are properly organized. When I was a little kid, they told us that little kids operate in the theta ranges. They also tend to show more whole brain coherence and then we ‘educate’ them and really we screw them up. And they become one side or the other dominant and as they get older they become more and more pronounced.

Hemi-sync is just one technology of many that brings back into balance so within thirty seconds to a minute you get a whole brain effect. Monroe achieved a patent in this and this whole brain effect unifies both sides of the brain and then through a number of programs that he developed you can do all kinds of very unusual things and I would suggest to take a look at our website. We have a whole array of hemi-sync available there. But hemi-sync is the cheapest and easiest way to get there. It’s like they organize them for accelerated learning, for quitting bad habits. Some of them have voice-overs but you can hear them. You can dial it up so that you can actually hear what those subliminals are and I really recommend that if you every used subliminals, make sure you know what you’re hearing because some things can conflict with your belief systems. For example I can say ‘dog in the room’ and some people get all warm and fuzzy and other people get terrorized, right? So you really want to be mindful about what you’re putting in because you really are programming this and this is primary programming and belief.

There are a lot of tools out there for stimulating the brain. There’s biofeedback technologies. Learn how to do this without hardware so you can actually work with your brain. They’re using it on attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity for children in a number of school districts in the United States right now. And what they’re able to do is they’re able to take kids and in one case they use a cap which looks like a bicycle helmet which has a number of electrodes, usually eight or sixteen channel set up and so they monitor brain activity in real-time and they’ll have on a computer screen like a bouncing ball so the kid is trying to make the bounce hit in a certain range and when they do it’s when they are in that ideal state, that alpha range for learning and after 30 to 40 sessions of about an hour, they don’t need any hardware. They can go there right now. They don’t need ritalin. They don’t need any drugs. They can actually get into that learning space. You can use them for relaxation, meditation, accelerated learning and sleep as an example and a lot of other things for stimulating the brain to reach higher capacities.

There’s light and sound devices that do this. Electro cranial stimulation that can do this. Those are a little bit sloppy because you got to use gooey electrodes but light and sound are good. If you don’t have epilepsy you’re going to trigger a bad situation but they work really well and those technologies are relatively flat and simple. Biofeedback – another technology that’s relatively easy to begin to learn how to utilize. You know we have gyms for learning how to be physically fit. We have technology to be more mentally capable and they’re things that enhance our ability to perform, allow us to learn how to deal with stress in a much different way and make us more powerful human beings by being able to utilize what we truly are as human beings.”

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