Dr Nick Begich on mind control: how the military use technologies to affect the human organs in the radio frequency range

“So, moving forward a little bit, this:

this is one of the pioneers many of you might know of: Jose Delgado, ‘Physical Control of the Mind – Toward a Psycho civilised society’. This was a kind of interesting read. He got his degree in electrophysiology from the University of Madrid in 1950. Now most people don’t even know about such a degree today, much less in the 1950. One of my mentors in science got his degree from the University of Madrid in electrophysiology, class of 58, and he then went from Spain to Yale University where he worked first mapping the various portions of the brain of primates and humans and then implanting electrodes to stimulate various parts of the brain to try to manipulate what would happen and really try to gain a better understanding of the brain and his famous experiment was: he had a charging bull coming at him and he had a radio transmitter and he throws the switch and the bull stops right in front of him. By the 1980s he had actually developed the same technology where you didn’t need any implants at all, just utilizing radio frequency energy at 150th of what the earth naturally produces within the radio frequency range, you could manipulate the emotional state of human beings and primates like turning on and off a light switch from lethargic and passive to highly aggressive.

What did he do? When you put that in perspective, man has created 200 million times more radio frequency energy that surrounds us right now at this very moment than the earth creates. And yet the brain can pick out of that soup that specific window frequency at one fiftieth of what the earth produces. So think about it as a radio transmitter and radio receiver. Once you have resonance between the two, you have a clear signal. I got the transmitter and the receiver and that’s what we are on. Every aspect of us, chemically, our cell structures, our body organs in fact, the military produced a book through the University of Utah – big, thick thing, it’s called ‘The Radio Dosimetry Handbook’ and it’s how much loading each of the vital organs the body can handle in the radio frequency range before they malfunction. So, then they use this for the base of creating a number of weapons, technologies for doing exactly that – to override the brain, the heart, the liver, the lungs, to be able to literally affect the human operator. This whole concept of non-lethal was really what was driving a very different direction. In fact, we quoted in both books this concept called MRA – the military revolution affairs and this again comes out of the US Army War College and it’s the idea of what’s happening in technology today. As it relates to militaries technology is, we’ve gone and they compared it to the earlier MRAs when gunpowder was introduced to Europe in the Middle Ages and what it did for warfare. What atomic weapons did in the last century for warfare.

Energy based technologies today will replace the things that rip and tear tissue the ordinance and bombs of the past, will be replaced by energy based technologies that can target hardware, software, in humans. And there is a great article of June 2004 in a publication called ‘Technology Horizons’ which you can find on the web. The cover story was called ‘Controlled Effects’. It was put together by the electromagnetic director of the United States Air Force. What it basically says is that they’re developing technologies first of all to target hardware, you know, computer systems, hardware, to be strong enough in terms of its impact, actually melt or burn out circuits. The other is a little more subtle – a less energy but designed to disrupt the flow of electrons through those circuits to cause them to malfunction and then the third effect is to attack the human operator by overriding any of the five senses. And this becomes really important from a standpoint of military because if you can affect the operator, if it shuts down the operator, it doesn’t matter what kind of hardware they have; doesn’t matter what kind of software is running and that’s the ultimate target of militaries as they develop new technologies.”

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