Dr Nick Begich on how they lost their advocacy; on Tom Spencer and on the push of the issue of mind control in the European Parliament

“Going from this one, ‘The Future of Mind Control’ in The Economist 2002.

This article isn’t getting in the technical aspects. What they are talking about is the ethical aspects of should we, shouldn’t we because they were convinced in 2002, ten years ago, the technology was profound enough to be the cover story. And I think that’s an important publication, one of the better publications in terms of global news that I’ve read and to see them involved in this. And then it gets dropped. The same with the European Parliament – you know, we push it forward, we demonstrated a device even in the earlier part of that hearing and it gets dropped. Now why did it get dropped?

Now I forgot to mention this. Tom Spencer, our champion Foreign Affairs Chairman, he was told and asked and cajoled to kill this. And I had mentioned he run the Globe Group. Well, the one guy that ran the Globe Group before him was Al Gore. When Tom Spencer called Al Gore on the phone and I’m in his office at the time and Al Gore stated his home in Surrey and he stated his home in Tennessee – he wouldn’t take the call. He wouldn’t take the call over the HAARP issue. And then when Tom Spencer assists on the hearing and nobody would show up, NATO sat in the back of the room, and listened, but they would not testify, they would not come forward. And afterwards, after the hearing, they spent two weeks trying to discredit me on the basis of my credentials – ‘I’m not a scientist, I’m a reporter’. [laughing]. I could have no education at all and still be able to do as long as I document my material. That’s why I’m very insistent on and didn’t work because we’ve given him three feet of materials and the committee through NATO out of every office they went to, but when the resolution did pass, three days later Tom Spencer’s political career ended. And it was in a scandal over he was a conservative from Great Britain. Three days after that hearing they lost his luggage and going back to Great Britain he had diplomatic papers that are not supposed to go through his luggage. He was married. He had children, adult children. He was gay and smoked marijuana. He has served in Great Britain. Didn’t kind of go together very well. So basically he had a press conference in his front yard and he said unlike Bill Clinton, I didn’t hail which I really appreciate Tom Spencer because at least and more than anything else he’s an honest man. The kind of person you really want in public life. But he stepped aside. He finished out his term which was a few more months and then he didn’t stand for that appointment again.

And it’s unfortunate. I called him afterwards and said ‘you know, my dad used to say when you are in office you got to deal with everything from dog catchers to liquor licenses’. I said ‘now you’ve got the ability to pick your place. Find out what really motivates you and focus on that. And he got involved in economic development and was funded through the Hague because I have a litte bit more of a liberal view of these issues and they weren’t big issues for them because he was a very effective political leader. But the fact is that he was a big casualty and we lost our advocacy in the European Parliament which is really where he wanted to move this issue a little bit further.”

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