Book-‘Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry.’ Was Pope John Paul I murdered? (4)

All of the main players have died since then, with the exception of Charles Murr, the final witness to Archbishop Gagnon’s compilation of the damage Freemasonry has inflicted on Holy Mother Church since Vatican II.

It is the same Freemasonry that was established in 1717. This is the same Freemasonry whose main goal has always been the complete destruction of Holy Mother Church by any means necessary, despite the fact that, according to the Alta Vendita and many other masonic writings, Freemasons do not intend to destroy the Church’s structure – only the faith itself – and to use its maimed structure and Rome itself as a facade to control the people, using a pope under their direction or even one of them to create a New Mass, new sacraments, new theology, and new doctrines stripped of their divine origins, content, and traditions, resulting in the formation of a New Worldly Masonic Church.

All of this begs the obvious question. Did John Paul I’s intention to launch a new investigation into Vatican Freemasonry based on Archbishop Gagnon’s work lead to his death? According to Murr, after meeting Archbishop Gagnon and digesting the highlights of his findings, John Paul I appeared ready to launch a full investigation into Freemasonry’s evil infiltration of the Church. And to begin its thorough fumigation.

We’ll never find out. However, in an interview with LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen last year, Fr.Murr appeared convinced that, half a century after Pope Paul’s famous statement, Freemasonry is now so well embedded in the structure and administrative heart of Holy Mother Church that no human being could expel the consequences of its cumulative crimes.

According to him, the massive damage can only be repaired by “an Act of God.”

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