Bishop Mar Mari speaks about Rabbi Kaduri’s surprising revelation to the Jewish community

“To the Jews. The Muslims at least they’ve acknowledged the coming of Jesus Christ and they called Him ‘prophet’. Not bad. But the Jews, they denied His entire existence. They said He hasn’t come yet. We’re still waiting for the Messiah. And you believe in Yahweh? Which Yahweh? Your Yahweh is Jesus Christ my dear Jewish friend. Your Yahweh is Jesus Christ. The Yahweh of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ of the New Testament. He has come and He is going to come again.

In Israel there was a Rabbi. This was written in the newspaper everywhere. They shut it up. In Israel there was this rabbi over a hundred years old. Now to them he was a prophet of God sent to them in the end of times. They worshipped this man. He was a holy man of God and he used to prophesize about things and they would happen. So other rabbis and people from Israel and outside of Israel they sought his wisdom, his advice, and his counsel. They would come and sit at his feet. Over a hundred years of age passed away, not long ago.

He said to them ‘I will write the name of the Messiah that you guys are waiting for to come. I will write His name and I’m telling you He will come again very soon’. This guy is a Jew to the core. ‘The Messiah came and spoke to me and He said I am coming on my second coming on my second return very soon. I’m on my way back again. And He gave me a sign. When you see this happening, my coming, my second coming, is at hand. I’m knocking at the door.’ He wrote the name of the Messiah who said to him ‘I will be coming again.’ Not, I haven’t come. I’ll come again. He said ‘I’ll write it. When I die, please open the envelope and reveal it to the whole world.’

When he passed away, this rabbi, they opened the envelope and to their shocking surprise, the one who is on His second return, His name is Yeshua – Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now this is coming from a Jew, not a Christian.

Yitzhak Kaduri – correct. Yitzhak Kaduri – go and google it. Was that a made-up story? This guy is a Jew to the core – an Orthodox Jew. Yitzhak Kaduri: he said the one who is coming on His second return soon, they opened it, they got the shock of their life – He is the one that our forefathers crucified on Calvary over 2000 years. They wrote it in the newspaper. The government came and took it all and shut it all.”

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