Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on why God didn’t wipe Satan

Many atheists and those who are angry at God, blame God for creating Satan. Others ask why God didn’t wipe Satan in the first place as He has all the power to do so. Here is Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel giving an excellent explanation:

“And this is why, God didn’t wipe Satan in the first place. See this angel when he went against God, God did not wipe him, and some people till now, question it. Why didn’t God just finish him off and we would have been much better without Satan. No, but because He is almighty, it doesn’t worry Him what Satan will do because when Satan comes and destroys, out of the destruction, the Almighty Lord God will bring construction. He’ll bring something beautiful out of something that is a ruin. So the Almighty what did He do? He chose the cross. He chose the cross. Why? Because He is almighty. What do I mean by that? Now you go to the Jews and they’ll say far from the Messiah to be crucified, it cannot happen. You don’t understand. You need to understand the concept of love. And since God is love and He is almighty, He chose the most humiliating way of death because to Him it does not matter what kind of a way He comes and goes because out of nothing He can bring everything because He is almighty.

When you read in Genesis 1:1, in the original text, it will read this way. Brashif in the beginning, not God, Elohim and Luhim, that’s the original text. It is Hebrew. So, in the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Why Elohim? Because Elohim is the Almighty, is the Almighty. I don’t have the time to go into it. Elohim is the Almighty. So God is saying when it comes to creation, I am Almighty. Why? Because I am the only being that can create out of nothing, something. I’m the only one. All of us, we create things out of raw material.There has to be something in existence in order for me to make something else out of it. God brings out of nothing into existence. In this He is almighty.”

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