While Europe is taking in all the misery of the world through illegal migration, Pope Francis stated that Europe does not have a migrant emergency

“Pope Francis challenged French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders to open their ports to people fleeing hardship and poverty, insisting Saturday that the continent isn’t facing a migration ’emergency’ but rather a long-term reality that governments must deal with humanely.

For a second straight day in the French port city of Marseille, Francis took aim at European countries that have used ‘alarmist propaganda’ to justify closing their doors to migrants, and tried to shame them into responding with charity instead. He called for migrants to have legal pathways to citizenship, and for the Mediterranean Sea that so many cross to reach Europe to be a beacon of hope, not a graveyard of desperation.”

Pope Francis is either being misguided, or he is not aware of the laws that protect natives, or he is in cahoots with the Kalergi Plan and it is he himself who is advocating the propaganda he claims to be ‘alarmist’. Why doesn’t he come out of the Vatican and live for a year in different countries where the influx of illegal migration is suffocating? Why is he advocating the agenda of the destruction of Europe [and America]? Why is he advocating the ongoing Kalergi plan of the EU dictators which started with first undermining society by sowing dysfunction in families so to destroy the family, the nucleus of a healthy society; then they orchestrated things in a way so that the birth rate of Europeans is lowered; then they import thousands of both legal and illegal migrants from non-European countries, most often of incompatible cultures, which they call multiculturalism and if you don’t submit to this agenda, you are called a racist bigot, and a potential extremist and now this Pope is shaming us for not responding with charity to illegal migrants?

In his address, Pope Francis said that “those who take refuge in our midst should not be viewed as a heavy burden to be borne: If we consider them instead as brothers and sisters, they will appear to us above all as gifts…the future will not lie in being closed, which is a return to the past”.

There were politicians who were critical of this statements and stance of Pope Francis. “Marion Marechal, a practising Catholic and the second-in-command of Eric Zemmour’s right-wing Reconquest Party, advised the Pontiff to steer clear of political issues, particularly as he ‘does not know the type of immigration we are experiencing’.”

“A similar point was made by Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, the party of Marine Le Pen who said ‘He’s Argentinian, and he’s not aware of the problem of immigration in Europe today, which is destabilising our societies.’ “He also mocked the Pope’s description of Marseille as ‘a haven of peace’. So far this year more than forty people have been shot dead in a war between drug gangs for control of the city’s market. In the most recent killing, a student, unconnected with the drugs trade, was killed in her bedroom by a stray bullet from a shootout on the street outside.” 

“Allow me, like all French people, to take offence and say that he doesn’t know Marseille,” said Bardella, who added that he preferred “the wisdom of his predecessor Benedict XVI, who said that states have the right to regulate migratory flows”. 

Pope Francis should steer away from political issues and politics as he is not aware of the misery that is being imposed on Europe and Europeans.

“The brutal reality is that Europe hasn’t the infrastructure or the economy to accommodate millions of young Africans. The continent is in decline; in France 7.6 per cent of the population – or 4.8m people – live below the breadline, and in Britain a record number of households are dependent on food banks.”

Why doesn’t the Pope ask why migrants only come to Europe? Why not Australia, Russia, China, or South America?


Pope Francis should stop doing the bidding of the Globalist Elites and their evil agendas.

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