When Pope Francis visited Chile, he wore the Atacama Giant symbol on his vest

The Atacama Giant that Pope Francis wore on his vest when he visited Chile, was another thing which stirred up controversy.

Some believe that it is a local Chilean deity, while others think that it might symbolise something more sinister and evil.

Regardless of its true meaning, this mysterious figure has become the subject of heated debates and intense scrutiny in recent years, making it one of the most talked-about topics in the country.

“The Atacama Giant is a humanoid figure that was discovered in an Atacama Desert cemetery in 2003. Since its discovery, the Atacama Giant has been a source of much speculation and debate, with some believing it to be an extraterrestrial being and others asserting that it is simply a human skeleton that has been elongated due to a congenital disorder. However, the true identity of the Atacama Giant remains a mystery.

The Atacama Desert is located in Chile and is one of the driest places on Earth. Due to the arid conditions of the Atacama Desert, many ancient settlements have been well-preserved. In 2003, a team of archaeologists was investigating an Atacama Desert cemetery when they made the startling discovery of the Atacama Giant.”

It is a humanoid skeleton “that measures approximately six feet tall. It has an elongated skull, which has led to speculation that it may have been artificially distorted. Other strange features of the Atacama Giant include a lack of teeth, as well as an underdeveloped ribcage and pelvis.” Since its discovery, it has been “the subejct to much debate and speculation amongst scientists and researchers. Some believe that it is the remains of an extraterrestial being, due to the elongated skull and other abnormal features. Others have suggested that it is simply a human skeleton that has been affected by severe congenital disorders, such as dwarfism and progeria.”

Yet, wikipedia suggests that it is a Chilean deity and some believed that Pope Francis’s decision to use such an image as his official symbol is inappropriate, considering the controversy surrounding the origins of the Atacama Giant.

So, Pope Francis wore a rainbow coloured cross given to him by Latin American youth; when he visited Malta, he asked for the cross to be removed so not to offend Muslims and when he visited Chile, he wore a vest with a Chilean deity on it. Whatever it is, when is he going to honour Christ, and solely Christ?

Is Pope Francis the pope with humanitarian principles that the Carbonari, in their Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, aimed for?

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Carbonari wanted according to their hearts?

Is Pope Francis the pope whose portrait was described by the Carbonari in their Permanent Instruction, as one which will “establish the kingdom of the elect on the throne of the whore of Babylon?”

Have secret societies taken up the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, while infiltrating and hijacking the Vatican, so that the Clergy walk under the banner of secret societies, while they believe “they are walking uder the flag of the Apostolic Keys?”

Have secret societies taken up the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, and now have their finger on the successor of Peter engaged with their agenda?

Let us be reminded of what we find in the Permanent Instruction when it comes to the infiltration of freemasonry via the freemason clergy in the Catholic Church, who will then elect the Pope who will do their bidding:

“This reputation as a good Catholic and a good patriot will open to our doctrines the hearts of the young clergy and of the convents themselves. In a few years these young clergy will have, by force of circumstances, invaded all the offices. They will govern, administer, judge, will form the sovereign’s council, and will be called to elect the future Pope.This Pope, like most of his contemporaries, will necessarily be more or less imbued, he too, with the Italian and humanitarian principles that we are now beginning to put into circulation It is a small grain of mustard that we entrust to the earth, but the sun of justice will develop it to the highest power, and one day you will see what a rich harvest this little seed will produce.”

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Masons wanted: a pope who would be sympathetic to humanitarian principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and human dignity at the expense of Truth and at the expense of not honouring Christ?

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