When former Italian President Francesco Cossiga revealed that 9/11 was an inside job ran by the CIA and Israeli Mossad

In November 2007, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga revealed that the 9/11 inside job was ran by the CIA and Israeli Mossad.

It was reported him stating:

“From what I have been told tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the most powerful daily-magazine chain of our country should give proof, with an exceptional scoop, that the video (actually an audio, ed) in which Osama Bin Laden, leader of the ‘Great and powerful movement of Islamic Revenge Al Qaeda’, reappears, may Allah bless him!, in which threats are also made to former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, it would be nothing more than a video montage made in the Mediaset studios in Milan and sent to the Islamist television network Al Jazira which has widely broadcast it.”

“From circles close to Palazzo Chigi, the nerve center of the Italian intelligence directorate, it is noted that the inauthenticity of the video is testified by the fact that Osama Bin Laden in it ‘confesses’ that Al Qaeda would have been the author of the September 11 attack on the two towers in New York, while all the democratic circles of America and Europe, with those of the Italian center-left in the forefront.

They now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and carried out by the American CIA and the Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to impeach the Arab countries and to induce the Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan. For this reason – concludes Cossiga – no word of solidarity has reached Silvio Berlusconi, who would be the creator of the brilliant falsification, neither from the Quirinale, nor from Palazzo Chigi nor from exponents of the center-left!”

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