What is the New Age Movement?

The New Age Movement is one of the most rapidly growing among people of all cultural, social, economic, and spiritual backgrounds. All over the world, people practise New Age beliefs. New Age beliefs and practices have had a significant impact on nearly every aspect of culture, including sociology, psychology, science, the arts, education, the business community, entertainment, sports, and even the church. But what exactly is the New Age Movement?

The New Age is a collection of various belief systems that are intended to provide a supposedly new way of thinking, living, and succeeding in life. It takes its name from the belief that we are entering or have already entered a new age, the Age of Aquarius, which will usher in a supposed spiritual evolution in humanity.

This movement encompasses a wide range of belief systems and practices from astrology, horoscopes, buddhism, hinduism, taoism, the law of attraction, mysticism, pantheism, reincarnation, spirit guides, theosophy, hypnotherapy, transcendental medication, yoga, chakras, chi energy, extra-terrestials, crystal healings, astral projection, mantras, seances, tarot cards, shamanism, divination, channelling and any belief system that is linked to spiritism and the occult.

These New Age beliefs and practices are all demonic and spiritually perilous. The book The Secret and various literature by authors such as Deepak Chopra are two examples of modern literature that promotes New Age thinking.

For these beliefs, the New Age Movement employs specialized terminology or loaded language. Thus, you will hear and come across quotes using these words “karma”, “law of attraction”, “being one with the universe”, “spiritual energy”, “levels of consciousness”, “your truth and my truth”, “spiritual awakening”, “cosmic energy”, “illumination”, “achieving your higher self”, “Christ-consciousness”, “kundalini” and many more.

The common factor among New Age Movement beliefs is that each belief system labeled “New Age” appeals to the following:
a) The human desire for hidden knowledge, self-improvement, worldly success, and self-perfection; b) The desire to achieve human potential even beyond one’s physical and natural abilities, to the point of desiring supernatural abilities, such as astral projection or psychic abilities. c) The desire to transcend the mind or one’s natural physical limitations in order to attain spiritual godhood. d) The delusion that anyone who practices a combination of these New Age belief systems can achieve “Christ-consciousness” or become a little god or just like God because they twist and pick and choose Biblical statements to manipulate Christ’s teachings so to suite the New Age Religion:

The origin of all New Age beliefs and practices can be found in the first original lie that Satan presented to Adam and Eve. This is the fallacy that man can be like God (Genesis 3:1-5).

In the New Age Religion of the New Age Movement, you are taught that you are god because you were created in His image and that you are the creator of your own life.

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