Weather manipulation: Dr Nick Begich on Earth Penetrating Tomography (2)

On my website, there are some DARPA documents that deal with this subject, that are unclassified. We have probably 800 pages of documents. It’s The mind effects issue became important to me and was important prior to getting involved in this work. This book, ‘Between Two Ages’ is Zbigniew Brzezinski’s, who was national adviser to Jimmy Carter when he was president of the United States. This book was written when he was at Columbia University back in the early 1970s. What’s important in this book from my perspective is, if you read it today, it’s a history. It’s not a forecast. It talks about what would happen as a result of technologies from the Americas, Africa, Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia. If you read it today, it is so right on in terms of its predictions. It did happen. On page 54 to page 56 of this book are really some important things. There were some observations, some quotes from an earlier publication called ‘The Less Peace Conference’ published in 1969 and in that there was a chapter called ‘How to Wreck Your Environment.’ This was before Earth Day, 1969. What he quoted was from a guy called Jeff Gordon McDonald who was a science advisor to Lyndon Johnson. He was a professor of geophysics at UCLA. And what he said is if we could ever figure out how to electronically stroke the ionosphere in just the right way we could return a signal to the earth that would manipulate the behaviour of populations over huge geographic areas.’

Now what was important about that in 1969 when he made that quote and the 1970s when it was recorded by Brzezinksi, the technology, as far as we know, didn’t exist.  HAARP provided that way to electronically stroke the ionosphere in just the right way.

Now going back to Earth Penetrating Tomography there’s a high-frequency transmitter that through primary and secondary effects can actually cover 16 decades of frequency. Everything from very low frequency to visible light by manipulating the signal and by manipulating components of the national environment. Think about it as if you’re plugging in with this little bitty small transmitter into the earth and then being able to manipulate the earth and being able to manipulate the energy itself and then being able to capitalize on that energy which is huge amount of energy that the earth has available to it. If you could figure out how to trigger it. And that’s really what a lot of HAARP was all about.”

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