The U.N. special envoy on climate ambition and solutions, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, pumps $500 million into ‘Beyond Carbon’ campaign

After the announcement of the U.N. Secretary-General, it comes with no surprise that its special envoy on climate ambition and solutions, and former New York City mayor, billionaire Michael Bloomberg has announced that he is pumping another $500 million into the ‘Beyond Carbon’ campaign.

It is also of no surprise that this announcement came on the same day of the announcement of the U.N. Secretary-General. On Wednesday 20th September, billionaire Michael Bloomberg announced that his philanthropic organization will invest an additional $500 million in its campaign to combat climate change by transitioning away from fossil fuel energy sources and increasing the use of renewables.

By 2030, he aims to shut down ‘every last’ coal plant in the United states and slash gas-fired capacity in half.

“Bloomberg already has spent over US$500 million to support the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign, which originally aimed to retire 30 per cent of the US coal fleet by 2020. The campaign ended up accelerating the retirement of over 60 per cent of coal plants by that year and putting US$85 million toward a similar mission to fight the expansion of petrochemical plants in the US.”

He said that “By working with our partners across the country, we hope to transform the way we power America by moving beyond fossil fuels and replacing them with renewable energy.”

“The money would support litigation brought against utilities and power companies by grassroots groups, state and local policy advocacy and financing to assist local communities with coal plant closures, Bloomberg Philanthropies said.”

Under all this guise of climate change, the Elite, through uelected organisations like the U.N. and through these ‘philanthropats’ like Bloomberg dictating the way forward for us to live, they are attempting to install a totalitarian one world government to rule over you and over everything on this planet, including each and every one of us.

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