Pope Francis defends paedophile priest Fr. Julio Cesar Grassi

“Before Pope Francis’ election as pope, while he was Jorge Mario Bergoglio, cardinal archbishop of Buenos Aires, Fr. Julio César Grassi was arrested and charged with 17 counts of sexual abuse of three boys who lived in a home for street children that Grassi founded. After Grassi’s conviction in 2009, Bergoglio commissioned a secret study to persuade Supreme Court judges of Grassi’s innocence.

‘Bergoglio’s intervention is believed to be at least part of the reason that Grassi remained free for more than four years following his conviction.’ He was finally sent to jail in September 2013 according to BishopAccountaiblity.org.

‘In the high-profile cases of four child molesters from religious orders or priests – Grassi, Pardo, Picciochi, and Sasso – there is evidence that Bergoglio knowingly or unwittingly slowed victims in their fight to expose and prosecute their assailants. Victims of all four offenders say that they sought the cardinal’s help,’ reported BishopAccountability. ‘None of them received it, even those who were poor, struggling on the periphery of society,’ the people whom Pope Francis claims to champion.”

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