A look at more sexual abuses by the clergy, with the hope that the church cleanses itself and honours Christ

“More than twenty years after The Boston Globe exposed the rape and torture of hundreds of children by priests in Massachusetts, this horror continues as reported by the foreign press.

‘Bit by bit the hideous truth that Catholic priests in Portugal have been left relatively free (if not almost completely free) to sexually abuse children for decades is coming home to roost,’ portugalresident.com reported on Aug. 5, 2022.

‘The scandal that hit the headlines in France [see below] less than a year ago, and which precipitated the opening of an inquiry in Portugal in January, has opened the floodgates on an accelerating domino-effect of horrors,’ the article stated.

‘Today, Expresso reveals another 12 priests have been outed by one of their own – half of them still in active duties …. The story is all the more disturbing for the mantle of silence purportedly imposed by the Church’s hierarchy. Previously, allegations have explained how Lisbon’s Cardinal Patriarch failed to report abuse to the police,’ noted portugalresident.com.

‘An independent commission has gathered more than 400 testimonies of sex abuse which will be passed on to public prosecutors. Leading Portuguese bishops have apparently known about the crimes for years, but none has admitted any guilt so far. The national press voices outrage,’ eurotopics.net reported on Oct. 13, 2022.

‘Commenting in Público, journalist Maria João Marques accuses top members of the clergy of complicity: ‘What execrable souls we have in the Portuguese clergy. The problem was not only those who committed the abuses. It was also their accomplices, then as now.

‘Those who didn’t denounce them, those who sought to relativise their transgressions, those who looked the other way, those who simply transferred the perpetrators to other parishes where the abuse continued, those who downplayed the seriousness of the abuse, those who disregarded the consequences for the victims.

‘How can we accept an institution that supposedly proclaims a message of forgiveness and love but ultimately has no compassion for the suffering of abused children and adolescents?’ Marques said as quoted by eurotopics.net.

In France, ‘French Catholic clergy sexually abused some 216,000 minors from 1950 to 2020, a ‘massive phenomenon’ that was covered up for decades by a ‘veil of silence,’ an independent commission stated on Oct. 5, 2021,’ Agence France-Press reported.

‘The commission’s two and a half year investigation was prompted by outrage over abuse claims and prosecutions against Church officials worldwide,’ the AFP stated.

Pope Francis was asked to comment about this report during the press conference held during his flight from Greece back to Rome. He responded with cruel indifference: ‘When doing these studies … there is a risk of confusing the way you perceive the problem of a time period 70 years before. I just want to say this as a principle: A historical situation should be interpreted with the [knowledge] of the time, not ours. For example, the cover-up is the way that is used unfortunately in families, even today, in a large number of families, and in neighborhoods. This covering up is not the way to go.’

Pope Francis chose to ignore that the report extended to 2020 and that ‘most victims don’t come forward for many years due to the emotional trauma, health problems and social pressures,’ as explained by Barbara Dorris, outreach director for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP). In fact, ‘the average age at the time of reporting child sex abuse was about 52 years’ according to Child USA, the national think tank for child protection.

‘As of January 10, 2023, BishopAccountability.org has identified nearly 100 Catholic bishops worldwide accused publicly of sexual crimes against children; few have been severely disciplined. Only seven have been laicized.’

‘Laicized’ means the bishops’ titles have been removed. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have lost their high standard of living.

As for the scores of others, “even those found guilty under canon law have been allowed to retain the title of bishop and to be called emeritus, a status that confers continued prestige and power …. When a bishop becomes emeritus, he merely is beginning ‘a new phase of his ministry,’ according to the Vatican as noted by BishopAccountability.org. “Though relieved of administrative duties, he retains his membership in the college of bishops and continues to ‘collaborate in the governance of the church,’” the group stated, quoting an official document.

As to those men with the rank of bishop or higher who failed to report these crimes to the police; continued to place the perpetrators in proximity to children; refused to turn over pertinent documents to civil authorities and/or tried to impede reform of statutes of limitation; BishopAccountability.com’s records are incomplete.

No prelate has been held accountable by Pope Francis for any of these failures other than to accept their resignation. That is, they no longer have to go to work but still receive their usual income and honors.”

It is evident that the smoke of Satan has entered the Catholic Church, corrupting members of the clergy. While honouring all those good priests who work hard to bring people closer to God, I pray for the Catholic Church to be revived and cleanses itself of anything evil that is not serving it, so that it is revived.

And Pope Francis should be doing better than this, rather than playing the agendas of the puppeteers.

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