Pope Francis continues to lie to the people: telling a young transgender person that ‘God loves us as we are’

In his latest outreach gesture to the LGBT community, Pope Francis told a young transgender person that “God loves us as we are.”

His remarks, made public by Vatican media last July, were included in a podcast in which Francis listened to and responded to audio messages from young people ahead of a Catholic youth festival in Portugal next week.

Giona, an Italian in their early twenties, said they were “torn by the dichotomy between (their Catholic) faith and transgender identity.”

Francis replied that “the Lord always walks with us … Even if we are sinners, he draws near to help us. The Lord loves us as we are, this is God’s crazy love.”

The Catholic Church teaches that LGBT people should be treated with dignity, compassion, and sensitivity, and that their human rights should be respected.

The question of whether the Church can and should be more welcoming to LGBT people, such as by blessing same-sex unions, is a particularly sensitive one.

In response to a question about homosexuals, Francis famously said, “Who am I to judge?” He has also condemned laws that criminalize members of the LGBT community as a sin and an injustice.

At the same time, the 86-year-old Pope has reaffirmed that marriage is only a life-long union between a man and a woman. He supports civil laws that grant same-sex couples rights in bureaucratic matters like pensions and health care.

Needless to say, conservatives have criticized Francis’ more welcoming and less judgmental attitude toward the LGBT community.

A world summit of bishops is set to convene this October and in 2024 to discuss the Church’s position on LGBT people, women, and Catholics who have divorced and remarried outside the Church.

Clearly, this Jesuit Pope continues to lie to the people. Although God’s love towards us is unconditional, to say that ‘God loves us as we are’ would mean that there is no need for us to repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Consequently, it would also mean that there is no need for us to renew ourselves daily and renew our daily relationship with Christ, and be ‘reborn’ again spiritually if God truly ‘loves us as we are’ in our sinful states. It would also mean that we can remain doing anything we want, breaking all God’s commandments if we choose to and want to, sinning and all because ‘God loves us as we are’ and when we die, we will still go to heaven because ‘God loves us as we are.’

So, in Pope Francis’s terms, we can continue to sin and remain as we are because God loves us as we are and we think that we will gain heaven by thinking so.

Is Pope Francis the pope that the Masons wanted: a pope who would be sympathetic to humanitarian principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and human dignity at the expense of Truth and at the expense of not honouring Christ?

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