My personal experience as a former occultist and New Ager in the New Age Movement – part three

Where am I today? Today I am in a very close relationship with Jesus, and I have learnt how to pray to Him. Today I let my life in His hands, while being in touch with the sharpened discernment which He endowed me with, which comes forth through the Holy Spirit, so I can always be His servant and carry the missions He asks from me.  Today I do not bargain Jesus with anything and anyone, even though, temptations always knock. I have also learnt to accept what is, because I know that it is what He deems best for me. Often, He pushes me out of certain contexts and situations, so that I find myself in better ones which will then lead to other positive situations for my highest good.

I just love the way God works – He sends signs. He talks to us every day and we can listen to Him if we just go inward. And He does not give you details and this is the most adventurous part of it.

Today when I look back in my life, I realise that God has been connecting the dots since I was born. Everything that is part of me has a significant meaning.

Today when I look back in my life, I realise that I was being safeguarded by Jesus all the time, and that my healing is thanks to Him. Surely, I did my part and did a lot of work. But when you allow God to work with you, it feels easier.

Lately, the challenges received are directed at my faith. I experienced people unfriending me or growing distant, the minute I profess my faith in Jesus. I never had an aversion to Jesus at any point in my life, but I can understand where they come from. I can understand that some think I am trapped in an old paradigm, living an oppressive life, or within the confines of another religion. If only people can live the beautiful spirituality that I am blessed to have worked upon to come this far. If only people can see the signs that God sends me; how my life unfolded and how it is still unfolding; how He works, and how sometimes He sends people, very often who I have never met in my life, to give me a message.

I also experienced people who say they are sensitive to everyone but when I say I am a Christian, they suddenly turn insensitive. Some turn cold. Others shrug their shoulder. Others still think that it means that I am religiously indoctrinated – that is what to believe in Jesus means for them. I arrived to Christ after I removed all indoctrination and I started to believe in Jesus not because my culture taught me so; not because my parents taught me so; not because the Church or catechism taught me so. I started to believe in Jesus because after walking the non-Christian path for years, Christ revealed Himself to me and because I was open to experience His mercy and His miracles.

At this unique moment in history, leaving God out of the equation is offensive and thinking that we can win evil without God, is another manifestation of pride and the main belief of New Age: that you are god.

My path is mine and I will carry on doing what is right, without any fear. I will never bargain Christ with anything and anyone and I will never put my eyes off from Him. After all, He was the only one to save me and keep me floating when the winds blew, and the stormy seas tried to engulf me. The crew on board jumped on the rescue boats and left me there. I know that God, who is inside me and around me, is bigger than any challenge that the world can throw at me and ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’

If this does not feel good with the world out there, then so be it. This site is a matter between me and God. I am here not only to know and learn the path but to also walk the path. I am not here to make people believe what I believe. I am here to learn and I will keep on learning because the more I learn, the more I realise I don’t know anything. I am here to heal, a healing journey which never ends until that day will come when I take the last breath. I am here to share information, knowledge and experiences.

May all humanity experience Christ like I did. May all humanity understand that when we put God out of the equation, everything becomes nothing. May all humanity return to Christ.

In Christ,


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