Fr. Charles Murr on the infiltration of Freemasonry in the Roman Curia – Apostasy

Joe McClane: “Our Lady of Tre Fontane, our Lady of Revelation who appeared to Bruno Cornacchiola in 1947. I don’t know how familiar you are with this particular apparition but it is truly amazing and the miracle of the sun happened on several occasions at the Grotto, at the Tre Fontane. And there is conversation in here as well about how that linked to Pope Pius XII, of happy memory, who also received a miracle of the sun and you have had some personal connection to this. Can you tell me that story?”

Father Murr: “Mother Pasqualina, who was Pius XII’s secretary for 42 years, was my godmother at ordination. It’s an old Latin custom. You could ask a woman to be your godmother. And there’s another custom, that’s really sad, but I saw it once with a newly ordained prierst. You could choose a young woman. Imagine this, a young woman to be dressed as a bride in a bridal dress with a veil and everything else at your first mass to represent the Church and your wedding with the Church. Most priests had one of their sisters, a younger sister or something, representing the all of those traditions we’ve lost. However, Mother Pasqualina was my godmother at ordination and she was a great woman. We were very close. We spent a lot of time together – three or four times a month I would go to visit her. I took her to different places and we had great conversations. I put all of these together well as I could possibly remember in a book called ‘The Godmother’. Taylor Marshall had one time showed the book briefly when it first came out, on one of his programs, and he said he thought it was something about a priest writing about a mafia woman – ‘The Godmother.’ It had nothing to do with the mafia. Well, anyway, Mother Pasqualina knew where all the bodies were buried, let me just put it that way. Being with Papa Pacelli and Pius XII who became twice the 12th, for 42 years, she knew and she told me of the time that he took a walk in the Vatican gardens in 1950. This is a very important time in his life because he was about to proclaim the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which we just celebrated on the 15th of August, as a dogma of faith. The Church always believed this. Also the Orthodox Churches also believe this and so do the Catholic but it was never proclaimed a dogma that you must believe in to be Catholic. Anyway, he did that in 1950. I think it was November 8th that the proclamation was made. A little before he made that proclamation, he had, in the Vatican gardens, he stood frozen, and had a vision of the sun of Fatima, dancing in the sky and coming close to earth. And he watched this going on for quite a few minutes. His bodyguards were nearby. Nobody dared touch him because he didn’t hadn’t fallen down. He came back into the pontifical, into the apostolic palace and Mother Pasqualina saw him shaking and nervous, upset, kind of. She asked him what in the world was the problem and he told her what he had seen. And he started to describe it and she said, when she was describing it, if you would have known you would have loved this woman. When she was describing it, she became alive with smiles and elation, just describing his description of it. And at the end of this, listening to what he said, she said to him, she asked him, ‘Did the Blessed Mother say anything? You had this miracle of the sun. Did our Blessed Mother speak to you, the one who provided the miracle of the sun?’ And he said that only one word came through and she asked what that word was. I’ll never forget it. The word was ‘apostasy’. Now, just a minute. You’ve heard that word kicked around today. But believe me in 1950, this would be like saying something foreign. And she didn’t know exactly what it meant. She was unsure of what it meant. And she said ‘I went immediately to a dictionary to look up apostasy, to make sure, it was what I thought it was.’ And it was. That’s what came through on that vision. That’s what came though from that vision – apostasy.”

Joe McClane: “Wow, that is so profound. Now, it is said that, that miracle of the sun that Pius himself personally, a receipt was in connect to Our Lady of Revelation. Are you familiar with Our Lady of Revelation, Father Murr?”

Father Murr: “Vaguely, I went to the Tre Fontane and to the Grotto once, but I wasn’t really familiar with the story and the people who took me weren’t experts on the story either.”

Joe McClane: “Almost nobody knows about it. It blows my mind. In October 1947, 70,000 people processed from St Peter’s Square to the Grotto with a statue, in the very same year which she appeared there. Because Pius XII allowed for the statue to be erected and eventually an altar and then of course masses and now there’s a church there. But it seems to me like Our Lady has repeatedly through many apparitions, that’s one of the things she says in the apparitions, to Bruno, miracle after miracle, apparition after apparition, you never listen. You never come back. You never convert. Ultimatly, heaven has been begging us to turn our hearts around and we don’t so of course we get what we deserve in our families. We get what we deserve in our Vatican, right?”

Father Murr: “Well, let me ask you this? Did you ever think that you would see the Vatican appoint a department for Marian apparitions which would defunct anything that had to do with chastisements” [laughter]

Joe McClane: [laughter] “Pure coincidence, Father Murr. Pure coincidence!”

Father Murr: [laughter] “Amazing. Isn’t it amazing?”

Joe McClane: “I didn’t realise that’s what we are doing here. Wow. Anyway, interesting.”

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