Dr Fearne, can you explain why an elderly mother is not treated as an emergency and not being operated upon because of the long waiting list of operations?

Here is a post I came across on Facebook about someone whose mother fell and broke her hip bone but while being kept at Mater Dei, she was told that she cannot be operated upon because of the long waiting list of operations that there is:

[I do not like to comment. On the other hand, I do not comment at all. But I cannot but not write about the disastrous state of Mater Dei! My mother fell and broke her hip bone last Saturday and shamefully, she is still lying in bed with a broken leg and in pain. Five days have passed and she is told that there is a long waiting list of operations and thus, she cannot be operated….Where has this country come to? Chris Fearne can you answer this question please? Why are we in this state? Why does my mum have to be kept in a hospital bed for five days hoping that at a point in time, they will operate her but everyday they are telling us that they are full up with operations because there is a long list? What does emergency mean for you? Chris Fearne? Don’t you think that these things are not acceptable?

It is a shame and I cannot find the words to understand how did we come to reach such very low levels! And I ask why do you call hospital for the ambulance to inform them that my elderly mother has fallen and is hurt to have two drivers coming without neither a nurse nor a doctor, Chris Fearne?

A shameful country…without words….no one is accountable!!]

Dr Fearne, considering that you are on record stating that our hospital is under control, can you see that our hospital is truly under control and check on this case? Instead of strutting around inaugurating clinics, can you for once see that Mater Dei is truly under control, which means, that no one is left to suffer like the above elderly mother ?

X (Formerly Twitter)