Agenda 2030 in full speed: U.N. Secretary-General calls for an end to $7 trillion in fossil fuel subsidies because ‘humanity has opened the gates to hell.’

António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations, in his opening remarks to the Climate Ambition Summit at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Wednesday 20th September, said that “Humanity has opened the gates to hell. Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects.” Thus, he outlined a program which he calls the ‘Acceleration Agenda’, which includes an end to fossil fuel subsidies around the world, which topped $7 trillion in 2022, according to analysis from the International Monetary Fund.

Guterres said that “We must make up time lost to foot-dragging, arm-twisting and the naked greed of entrenched interests raking in billions from fossil fuels” and even though, there has been an unprecedented amount of investment in clean energy sources, and according to him this is encouraging, he added that “but we are decades behind.”

He thus called on developed nations to reach net zero emissions as close as possible to 2040, and for emerging economies, 2050. He also said that OECD nations need to have plans to stop burning coal by 20230 while the rest of the world needs to stop burning coal by 2040.

He then puts in another doom and gloom climate scenario, stating that “If nothing changes, we are heading towards a 2.8 degree temperature rise — towards a dangerous and unstable world.”

So, let’s have the world change route according to their terms of conditions, imposing such terms on all of you, while he called for putting a price on carbon and for businesses and financial institutions to meet the climate pledges they have made.

“The future is not fixed,” he said. “It is for leaders like you to write. We can still limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees. We can still build a world of clear air, green jobs and affordable clean power for all.”

This means that they are giving governments and worldwide leaders more authoritarian power over the lives of the people, using an imaginary “climate emergency” to assert national sovereignty and representativeness, replacing democracy with a world government run by the unelected, unaccountable, and disentitled voices by technocrats, like the U.N.

On a final note, please remember that every time you hear the term ‘fossil fuel’ on the TV, radio, news etc, you’re being lied to. It was in 1892, at the Geneva Convention, when the smartest man in the oil industry J.D. Rockefeller paid scientists to call oil a ‘fossil fuel’ to induce the idea of scarcity, in order to set a ‘world price for oil’. The truth is that oil is actually the second-most prevalent liquid on earth next to water, and regenerates within the earth faster than it can ever be deleted.

Fuel was free until the Elite thought that they have dominance over everything that was given for free to humanity.

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