Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: on how the western world is built on individualism and the importance of family values

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The western world is built on individualism. The eastern world is built on family value. You go into any tv channel, any sky channel, of the western world. Do they ever talk about family bond? Do they ever talk about family qualities? Never. All they say is, ‘you have the right. You wanna leave home. No problem. Mum and dad giving you a hard time? Just call us. We’ll come and take you away. We’ll provide for you a shelter, we’ll give you whatever you need. You are an adult now. 16, 18, 19, 20, you’re mature, you can do whatever you want. It’s a free country. Why, because the moment this is embedded in you, the moment your brain is washed with this false idea, that’s it! They’ve got you. You’re finished. The number one thing you become godless, and once you’re godless, you are a very easy prey to be devoured. It’s the family bond that keeps you intact and keeps you sane. Not insane, but sane – family! Unfortunately, you don’t see that being publicised that often in the western world because they don’t want family bond, they don’t want family value. Because when you go to family, you’ll find God. And they want to take you away from this God, this true divine God. So, my son, my daughter, don’t forget you belong to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only true divine God. Don’t ever be ashamed of your Lord. Don’t ever say I don’t want to be a Christian anymore, don’t ever! The biggest mistake you could ever make in your life is when you deny your Messiah. That is the greatest of all mistakes. The ultimate, the one that is irreplaceable. Don’t ever walk away from your Lord. Don’t ever. Don’t ever my child.”


Bishop Mar Mari Emannuel speaking about family values ✝️☦️ #fyp #fy #christianity #christian #god #jesus #bible #viral

♬ original sound – Francois ✝️🇻🇦
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