Alan Watt on the dangers of the New Age Philosophy – its setting up by Freemasonry

In the issue of The New Age Magazine of April 1987, Rabbi Seymour Adas, a 32 degree freemason, is on record stating “I am proud to be a Mason”. The name of this magazine was later changed to The Scottish Rite Journal, to hide the connections that Masons have with the occultic New Age movement. In this series we continue with Alan Watt’s refections about this deceitful movement:

“The New Age Movement was set up by those at the very, very top of the pyramid of Freemasonry and the magazine was called ‘The New Age’, and they talked about bringing in a new earth religion which would encompass all the old religions, the ones that had worked under times of totalitarianism in centuries gone by and millennia go by even.

Because that which fascinated humandkind thousands of years ago still fascinates them today and because they understand and they have the sciences and the histories of the human populations for thousands of years in archives (the hive of the ark, you might say) as opposed to what they give you, which is a public library. They understand that those things which fascinate you can always fascinate you and teenagers especially are fascinated by that which they sense mainly as beyond them. It’s near them. It’s beyond them. It’s around them and it’s no coincidence that poltergeist activity, for instance, happens primarily with children who are just nearing or going through puberty and then tends to just die off and fade away.

Much speculation going on to the cause of this. Is it something to do with the parts of the brain, the silent area, the large part of the brain which supposedly they tell us they cannot find the purpose. That’s why it’s called the silent area, but something is triggered during that period. It doesn’t matter how many scientists tell you ‘that’s impossible, that that kind of thing is can’t really exist, and sure enough for everyone that’s true, there’s probably a few hundreds of frauds out there. It doesn’t make it any less to the individual who experiences it.

I personally would love to believe everything is scientific and you must accept that things can be done scientifically in this day and age, and so that cannout be discounted. However, your personal experience of life must also be accepted, for people need meaning. People are always saying that they want truth, but they don’t really want truth. They want something which is familiar. They want a guarantee that if they come into the next step, to waking up they’d be guaranteed to be able to handle it and that isn’t the case.

Not everyone can truly wake up. Many people can wake up to the first step, which is simply understanding what’s happening in the world around them and to them and where it’s going and they can follow the speeches given by various people down through the last hundred years or so and it all begins to make sense to them, but that’s only one level of this whole process. There are other levels much deeper, which go beyond the media, the news, the meetings and the statements that have been made because there is a real occult side to this. A real hidden side and that’s what a cult means.

A hidden side and a hidden religion, which is the only way they’ve been able to keep a hold of their goals and guide it down through many, many, many centuries from ancient times – the saying in Freemasonry is that to ‘perfect that which was left imperfect’. This saying in Freemasonry is not a new saying. It was said thousands of years ago and what they mean by that is to perfect, number one, ‘mankind’, primarily. Remake man in a better image, not a haphazard hurried one, scientifically. Purpose made, you might say. A designer man for a designed function and everything else in nature would be redesigned and perfected because nature on the one hand is an obstacle to the elite. What is true that nature cannot be your friend either. It can and can’t. It depends on the time of year and the seasons and where you happen to be and the circumstances you’re in at the time.

Let’s be honest about this. When you’re sitting in a cozy warm house it’s very easy to fall into the traps of the propaganda that’s put constantly on all media to do with we’ve got to love nature. We’ve got to respect and love it.”

Interview can be listened to here and here.

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