Alan Watt on the dangers of the New Age Philosophy: ego-synthonic behaviour

“For any truth, any high truth that’s ever to come to people has come on self-reflection because you can’t change those around you by making it so, but you can sure work on yourself. You are the material and you can work on yourself and that is a place a lot of people do not want to go. Self-reflection is what brings you to different levels of understanding.

Those who can’t understand the teaching or take it or are willing to follow through in it will turn against the teacher. That’s standard. That is standard all down through time. In the movie ‘The Matrix’, Morpheus only promised Neo the truth. That’s all. He didn’t offer him a comfortable ending to anything, but domesticated people in this what is called ‘civilisation’ where we’ve been trained from birth to be managed to accept we’re being managed – and that a more recent phenomena really. At least, more openly, in it’s manifestation.

We’re taught that we’re being well managed but people want guarantees to be well managed no matter what head space they get into, what understandings they get into. They want to be reassured that there’s no suffering involved. No pain. People are ego-synthonic. They want to avoid pain and seek pleasure. That has been taught steadily since the 1950s onwards. This is a great way to control people because only through waking up and looking around and taking the pain are you able to perceive what’s going on.

Culture creation is so well understood and always has been where any reality can be given to the public. The hard part is starting it off really (from scratch, that is). Once it’s on the go you simply change it as you go along; and as Plato said, the generation that experiences the changes where opposite values are given, they are the last ones to notice. It’s empiricial truths you see. These have been tested over and over again. Right can become wrong. Wrong can become right and the public who walk hypnotically down through their lives, never notice and never ask the questions as to the whys. It just doesn’t happen. People know what they want because they know what other people want. That is the mind of the mass. They don’t want to be different and if there’s a new fad tomorrow and all the in-people, the in-crowd rushed off to it, everyone else would follow suit because they don’t want to be different. They want to be the same. It’s a sad statement to make, but it’s a true statement you see. Culture is full of fetishes that are given to the people and they fetish over them you might say.

All of this has been done over and over and over again, tried and tested like a laboratory, like a clinical laboratory where everything is observed and and repeated over and over again. Culture is the easiest thing to create and the public are downloaded and accept it so readily. Most of the reality we live in, in the true sense of the word an ‘illusion’, as opposed to the New Age meaning ‘of illusion’, most of the culture is an illusion. Most of what’s happening is illusion. An illusion is a distortion of something which is real, like a reflection off a mirror with the sunlight striking in. It create an illusion in a room. It’s real, but it’s not the primary cause; as opposed to a hallucination where nothing is there and you actually see something.

That’s the difference. In the New Age Movement, an ‘illusion’ really is more akin to the term ‘hallucination’. They try to tell the people that nothing is real at all and they train them to believe this and they pay money to be taught this. And it works well for the ultra-terrified because they can’t handle reality anyway. They’d prefer if someone tells them ‘there, there, don’t worry, nothing is real anyway.’

It’s very soothing if you want to live in an oblivious psychosis and life has become terrifying for many people. Again, that’s part of the system. Aldous Huxley in his speech at Berkeley describes that process. He said: ‘Most people are not happy anyway.’ Well he should know because he was part of a ruling elite in his day and age and he was descended from families who specialized in creating the kind of societies they lived in. They created the fear, the terror, the poverty, the worry, the unnaturalness of it all.”

Interview can be heard in this video and in its sequel.

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