33° Mason Manly P. Hall’s lecture: on the magnetic field in each kingdom and each kingdom unfolds within this magnetic field

“Now, in the Rosicrucian philosophy we had alchemy, the transmutation of various phases of life. Alchemy was a transformation and a transmutation of energies. And these energies are essentially the same ones that we have in magnetism. We therefore have a constant realisation that everything we do and that everything that we see and have, has values of its own.

Now, let us pick up a pebble from the beach and we suddenly realise that we are in the presence of a little stone. Today there is quite an interest in little stones, all kinds of stones. We are interested in crystals that form in rocks and all these type of things. But crystals are formed by magnetism. They are formed by a rate of vibration peculiar to a certain element. And that particular rate of vibration can evolve through the mineral, vegetable and animal. It is always present.

There is a magnetic core in each kingdom and each kingdom unfolds within this magnetic field. And within each of the composite fields, individual members of the fields, with various degrees of growth, are individually conditioned. Everywhere, this process of keeping faith with integrity then becomes the natural secret of security, survival, and world peace.

Now, we can say that it would be very unlikely, say a potato, that could have a magnetic field of its own. But it does. In fact, every cell within the potato, has a magnetic field of its own. Therefore, we come into the problem of nutrition. And nutrition is very largely the study of the magnetic fields of various food products. It also tells us what happens when these food products are adulterated or are variously misused, or poisonous elements introduced into them.

All of this is part of a mystery that is solved in magnetism. We pass laws against these misuses but we fail to realize that it is not just the physical factor that we have to work with. The physical factor is only a fragment of it. The main problem is to realise that behind all of these problems, whether of government, or of religion, or of philosophy, all these things are in trouble because of lack of integrity. And integrity is simply keeping the laws and rules of energy fields. Each field has its own integrities. All integrities in all fields are compatible. All lack of integrities, all departures from integrity in any or all fields, are in conflict constantly,

The only way the individual can escape conflict is by never abusing the energy factors of his own life. He must never abuse in his body his emotions, his mind. He must never permit himself to develop attitudes that are incompatible with the integrities which nature has bestowed. The magnetic fields are absolutely honest. There is no possible way of making them dishonest. The only thing we can do with them is to destroy or limit the manifestation of their integrity.

If we break the rule, we lose the benefit of that particular energy. When we lose that benefit, we then say that evil has come to us. But it is not an evil thing that has come to us. It is the failure of a good thing to be developed and purified and intensified. The magnetic fields are also in a state of constant evolution. They are in evolution in the life of a person. The individual may be born on a certain level of magnetic integrity. If he becomes a better person, he strengthens these values in himself because actually it is all a matter of gradually strengthening the perfection of an energy resource.

Now, no one is going to perfect it in one life or hundred lives maybe, but he’s going to grow. And the more integrity grows, the more rapidly the individual becomes harmoniously adjusted to the principle of life to which he belongs.

In our world at the present time we are in a sad state in which practically everyone has broken every conceivable rule. We are living day by day trying to live off the profits from our own mistakes. And this is not really profitable. We are not realizing that this has nothing to do primarily with the theology. This has nothing to do with laws of governments. This has nothing to do actually with our legal codes. It has to do with the relationship of energy to its proper ends and purposes. We know what it’s supposed to be. We know what it’s supposed to do. And we know that it isn’t accomplishing that.

Everything that has an existence has a magnetic field. It may have one that is not even visible. And the whole of our atmosphere, the whole of the world in which we live, is one mass of magnetic interplays. But as long as these are kept honest, they are compatible. And a universe in which there was no dishonesty, would be free from every infirmity.”

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