33° Mason Manly P. Hall’s lecture: on how magnetism, magnetic energy & energy field are related to health

“In other words, the individuals, if they are normal, mentally, emotionally, and physically, this magnetic field forms an enormous protection. It is normal, it is healthy, it is constantly able to handle infections, and all kinds of difficulties. It will help to heal wounds, it will help to regain the use of functions and organs. And if we are deprived of some part of the body, it will try to compensate for us.

As long as the individual takes proper care of his magnetic field, it will serve him. Now this is a phase of morality that is generally overlooked. It is assumed that these magnetic fields are something you don’t pay much attention to. They are there. Maybe they will help a little. But the truth of the matter is that practically the whole survival of the individual depends upon maintaining the integrity of this flow of energy into the magnetic field.

This energy comes from the sun. It comes from a mysterious energy tube in the magnetic field. It enters the individual through the crown of the head. It disseminates through the entire body and it’s excreted back again through the lower centers of the body and is recleansed by the solar energy. This is a kind of a little private tank of capsule of life that we are all carrying around with us all the time.

Now the problem of morality in this is very definite. The moment we break rules, we damage that magnetic flow. We have got to keep the laws of nature and these in turn are the laws of God or the magnetic field fails. It can fail because of physical interferences, reduce its integrity and reduce its power. It can be wasted in riotious living, which is such a common cause these days. It can be variously destroyed by moods, by attitudes, by fears, by complexes. It can be destroyed or damaged by alcohol, drugs, narcotics, all kinds of things. But if this field is damaged, it immediately reacts into health. It damages the individual’s vitality, it makes him more easily subject to contagions and infections, and it definitely shortens the life expectancy.

Now, we think of the magnetic field as surrounding the entire structure of the body as Kelner shows in the book The Human Atmosphere or The Aura Made Visible by the Aid of Chemical Screens and also in his study of the atom. This, however, is only a phase of it. Each part of the body has a magnetic field. Each unit within the individual has its survival in a unit of energy. And this unit of energy is present in the smallest subdivision of imaginable space. It is in the tiniest atom. There is no such a thing as a dead particle in the universe. Even if it is killed by something, the very disintegrating process is a symbol of life energy. Therefore, we are confronted with the natural problem of realizing that virtue is to keep the law of the energy field.

Now, the law of the energy field, just by coincidence, is also the law of integrity. The energy field is what establishes right and wrong. The energy field tells us that to lose our disposition and temperate is wrong. To use various negative, destructive attitudes. To compromise the principles of right living is wrong. To think badly, to feel unpleasantly, to be engaged in any action or concept which is contrary to the common good, damages the magnetic field and therefore is wrong. Selfishness injures that field. Every vice we know. The breaking of any of the ten commandments and a number of other rules, results in damage to that field. It has nothing to do with nations. It has nothing to do with ordinary concepts of codes, because the final code itself is based upon the life principle in each part of the human constitution. So we have each little cell that has its own moral responsablities.

The stomach has its own magnetic field. The stomach is not simply an organ. It is an organism. It is a living thing within the human body. The same is true to the heart, the brain, the glandular structure. All the organs, the intestines, all the motor system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, these are all entities. They are all entities of magnetic unities. They are part of living organisms which are cooperating together for the common good. To abuse one is to damage all. To neglect one is to neglect all. Each of these organs has its own field in the body, and all these fields together constitute the grand magnetic field that surrounds the complete person.”

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