Weather manipulation: Dr Nick Begich explains how HAARP works

“The technologies were invented by Dr Bernard J. Eastlund and Dr Eastlund and I became friends in the course of all of this. In fact, he texts me to thank me a few years before his death. He says you know, it’s really tough for physicists to become well-known and he wanted to thank me for helping in that effort because a lot of people know him now. He passed away in 2007 and just before he died he participated in a close conference that we had sponsored. At the time I was working as a director executive of the Lay Institute on Technologies. The Lay Institute was founded by one of the heirs of Frito Lay, which later became PepsiCo and I was doing some work for them in technology.

But HAARP as such started with an idea of Dr Eastlund and it was to take, he was actually under contract to Critchfield which was large oil and gas company operating on the North Slope of Alaska. They had approximately half of the natural gas on the North Slope and they were interested in finding markets for that gas. He had come up with a novel concept that had defense applications which was HAARP where you take huge amounts of natural gas, run it through magneto hydrodynamics generators to produce electricity and then burning electricity into an array, a field of antennas for the purpose of developing some of the things that we will be talking about today.

And I’m going to deviate a little bit from what’s on the menu of events for day. We will cover HAARP, we’re gonna cover the weather issues of HAARP and then I’m going to move into some of the other effects of HAARP as it affects human beings and then some of the parallel technologies that we’ve worked on and gathered that on in the interim. When I was working for the Alliance to daunt technologies, our primary mission was to take again complicated ideas, try to get them in plain language and get them out to the public. The founder, Dorothy Lay was particularly interested in mind effects, the effects on consciousness. So, we’re going to cover some of that in the this latter part of this presentation, probably in the second hour after the break.

But the first slide, this is near my home. There’s actually a visitor center. This is a portage glacier area and there’s actually a visitor center there named after my father. It was actually funded by the United States government with the help of Senator Ted Stevens, who my brother replaced in the U.S.

This is an example of the array. These are approximately 20 metres high. The cross horizontal pole is probably less, it is about little less than 10 metres. There’s a field of 180 and ten of these produce radio frequency energy. And that radio frequency energy in the way this array is configured, will create a cyclotron resonance. So, if you visualise this, it will be like a kind of corkscrewing motion of energy moving up into the ionosphere and I’ll explain that in a moment. But actually kind of focusing or concentrating that energy into a relatively small area.

By analogy you could think about it, if I were to take a flashlight and shine it on a wall across the room, it’s a narrow beam here, it’s a wide beam there. Normally, radiofrequency energy would follow that same kind of configuration and spread out with distance. In this case, it provides a way to focus or concentrate the energy by analogy, by comparison, similar to what a laser does with light, but a little bit different principle. The idea is to focus the energy and then manipulate that energy in various ways to create a primary and secondary effects in the ionosphere.”

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