The Murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia – Vince Muscat il- Koħħu links David Gatt to the botched plot against her assassination

In an article dated 2021, we read about the testimony of Vince Muscat il-Koħħu in the trial of Yorgen Fenech, who is being accused of being the mastermind behind Daphne Caruana Galizia’s heinous murder in 2017.

It is interesting to read that il-Koħħu linked botched Caruana Galizia murder to the village lawyer David Gatt and Chris Cardona.

Muscat testified that “he and George Degiorgio had spent days scoping the Caruana Galizia family house in Bidnija in 2014 or 2015 in anticipation of that murder, which fell through when a €50,000 deposit was never paid.”

“He said that the plan was to cut Caruana Galizia off as she drove away from her house and for Jamie Vella to gun her down using an AK47.”

“Muscat linked the plot to lawyer David Gatt and former minister Chris Cardona, saying Gatt had visited a shed in Marsa where he and the Degiorgios would gather and told them that he was going to meet Cardona ‘because of Daphne’.” 

During the testimony, Muscat also stated that “they were not worried about Cardona exposing them because the minister was involved in another big crime they had carried out some years previously, which another, sitting minister was also implicated in.” Is this other big crime the HSBC heist, by any chance? Who is the sitting minister? Is he related to that with insider information about the bank?

Among other information that Muscat had given in court which is relevant to this article is:

“Around the time of the cancelled 2015 murder plan, George Degiorgio would send Daphne Caruana Galizia text messages “about this minister or that”. She told him she wanted to meet him, but that never happened. Degiorgio got her number from Gatt.”

“Before he became a minister, Cardona had confided in him that Gatt (who he shared a legal office with) had hidden 300g of cocaine in their office soffit.”

“Cardona organised a celebratory meal for Muscat when he was granted bail in a case concerning a botched HSBC bank branch holdup.” 

Haven’t we seen how Cardona had testified in the trial of David Gatt, denying any involvement of David Gatt in the HSBC bank branch holdup? Wasn’t David Gatt acquitted?

Malta is so small. Same Chris Cardona. Same village lawyer David Gatt. Same office. Same Vince Muscat il-Koħħu. Same HSBC bank branch holdup.

The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. Same names coming up. Same names in the Degiorgios’ press release. Same names also mentioned for the bombing of Daphne. Same network. Same circle.

And yet David Gatt was acquitted from our courts and the mind continues to boggle.

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