The Alta Vendita: the wish for the Secret Societies to grapple with the cardinals of the Holy Spirit

Letter addressed from Livorno to Nubius by Little Tiger, who is unaware of the forced rest of his boss, on 5th January, 1846:

“In Germany, and even in Russia the work of our Societies. The assault that a few years from now will be given to the princes of the earth will bury them under the remains of their impotent armies and their crumbling monarchies. Everywhere there is enthusiasm among our own, and apathy or indifference among our enemies. It is a sure and infallible sign of success; but this victory, which will be so easy, is not the one that provoked all the sacrifices we have made. There is one that is more precious, more durable and that we have longed for. Your letters and those of our friends in the Roman States allow us to hope so; it is the end to which we tend, it is the end to which we want to arrive. In fact, what have we asked in gratitude for our pains and our sacrifices? 

“It is not already a revolution in one district or another: this is always achieved when one wants it. To surely kill the old world, we believed it was necessary to stifle the Catholic and Christian germ, and you, with the audacity of genius, you have offered to strike the papal Goliath on the head with the slingshot of the new David. Very well, but when are you going to strike you? I am impatient to see the Secret Societies grapple with these cardinals of the Holy Spirit, poor sick natures who cannot never leave the circle in which impotence or hypocrisy encloses them.

I want to use the remainder in the Legations. I will be in Bologna around the 20th of this month. You can let me keep your instructions with the ordinary address. From there, I will go wherever you think my presence will be most necessary. Speak, I am ready to execute”.

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