How the Cabala encapsulates the essence of all ancient mystery teachings in a single package – Sodom, Egypt and 21st Century Judaism

In Revelation 11:8, God declares that in the last days just prior to Christ’s return, one of the most wicked places on earth will be Jerusalem and Israel.  In Revelation, God calls Jerusalem “Sodom and Egypt”. Why is Jerusalem and the nation of Israel spiritually “Sodom and Egypt”? Is it because of the Jewish religion, a religion diametrically opposed to the Old Testament as witnessed in Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets?

From the days of the Jews’ captivity in Babylon, to today, the religion of the Jews has increasingly grown more dark and more wicked. Jesus openly castigated the Jewish religionists whom he called “blind guides”, “fools, hypocrites” when He told them “ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayer…ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” (Matthew 23: 14-15).

So, Jesus called the Jewish religious teachers children of hell. Has this changed now? I am convinced that it has grown worse because the horrific nature of the Jews’ religion lie in its man-made traditions, which in reality, are satanic in origin, especially the Jewish Talmud, the legalistic law traditions of the rabbis, and to the Jewish Cabala (also Kabbalah or Quaballah), which are the mystical teachings and traditions of the rabbis and sages.

If the Jews had followed the teachings of the Old Testament, Satan would not have had such devastating success.  If Moses and the prophets had been heeded, or if their writings were respected today, Jews would accept Jesus Christ as Messiah and be saved through faith in His promises. Instead, the Jews abandoned the prophets, and the rabbis steadily developed a body of man-made literature (the Talmud and the Cabala) that is supremely wicked and corrupt over the centuries. Furthermore, their traditions are diametrically opposed to the Faith and teachings of Moses and the prophets. Jews who are Christian believers are the exceptions.

Worse, it can be convincingly demonstrated that the philosophy and doctrines of the Jewish Cabala are the very source and wellspring of virtually every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft cult that has emerged in the last thousand years.

The Cabala encapsulates the essence of all ancient mystery teachings in a single package.  Indeed, the Holy Bible records Jewish elders bringing the Mysteries into the Temple and performing secret ceremonies in hidden chambers as far back as the prophet Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 8). These teachings and rituals were labelled ‘abominations’ by God.

Unfortunately, these abominations have multiplied in the twentieth and twenty-first century Jewish religion, in which the Cabala plays a central role, thanks to freemasons who practice this religion with other followers, such as celebrities who program us to accept it. And thus, this is another evidence for you to understand what Dr John Salza told us in his speech: that “what our Lady at Quito in the 16th century predicted, was formally conceived by freemasonry in the 19th century to affect the church in the 20th century.”

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