Dr Mike Yeadon – “Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO” (4)

“[00:10:45] I was a VP in Pfizer, head of worldwide research for respiratory. Ten years in biotech. And I ran my own biotech, which we sold to Novartis, which was then the biggest drug company in the world. So I’m not stupid. [00:11:00] I know what I’m doing. So when I tell you that having spent all those years in R&D, we worked on something called rational drug design, when you’re trying to bring about effects, you don’t just randomly gather a handful of nuts and bolts, as it were, from the molecular toolkit and hope they work. You’re actually trying to ask, Where do I want the medicine to be? How long should it last? Should it go everywhere? What kind of concentrations do I want in order to bring about an effect and to do so safely? [00:11:30] So when I looked at the design of these so-called vaccines, I found at least three things that I can describe quickly to you, that if you accept what I tell you, you can no longer believe that these are toxic accidentally. That is, they were designed to injure, to maim and to kill. And the only reason they’ve only killed about ten or 12 million people so far is because their manufacturing is terrible. And [00:12:00] but if they did it again, if you inject it, say, ten more times, I think they’d probably do it. And that is exactly what they have planned.

[00:12:08] So the three items you should look at when you’re trying to make a vaccine like this. You have to choose which bits of the alleged pathogen you’re going to pick to put into your vaccine. Now, I would suggest to you you’d pick a bit that was different from you and that was not harmful. So you might pick a bit of, I don’t know, [00:12:30] a bit of the virus that doesn’t seem to do anything to you. It might be important to the virus. Didn’t do anything to, you know, which bits did they pick? The spike protein, the bits on the outside. That’s the bit that actually was known beforehand to be biologically really violently active, stimulating blood clotting and neurological problems and other things. All four drug companies picked spike protein. So there you go. Straightaway. I knew this was this [00:13:00] was not an accident. Somebody was trying to harm people. The next thing, in order to convert this theoretical drug in your test tube into something like a medicine that you can administer, you have to formulate it and formulations to make a spray, a tablet, a cream. An injection requires you to mix it with something else, and you have to choose what to do in order to make it stable and to protect it and so on. When I looked at what they were doing, they’ve covered it in lipid nanoparticles. [00:13:30] That’s the both mRNA vaccines and lipid nanoparticles.

[00:13:35] They’re effectively covering it with facts. Your body has a violent dislike for genetic information. That’s how you preserve that most precious thing, your own genetic heritage. So it’s a pretty good thing and not surprising. Your cells are really good at rejecting foreign genetic information, not letting it in. But if you cover it, in fact, same sort of stuff, your cells are made of, it glides right through the cell wall, goes everywhere in your body. [00:14:00] So they they told us when they injected it in your shoulder, I would just say they’re going to limp system. No, I mean, obviously, I knew it was going to be all around the body. It’s exactly what it does do and it’s what it’s designed to do. It’s designed to do that. I found a paper ten years old and well known to people in formulation, research and development, these kind of formulations, which were designed for medicines that were thought maybe [00:14:30] to tackle the most serious cancers. So the mRNA technologies, when I was in Pfizer, we were thinking of them as treatment for really serious cancers, and they just happened to have this feature where they concentrate in certain internal organs the spleen, the liver and the ovaries. So yeah, ovaries. So when you inject it with this material, ladies and girls, I’m confident that what has happened is these materials have concentrated in your ovaries.”

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