Book: On The Masons And Their Lies: What Every Christian Needs To Know (Spiritual Warfare) by Michael Witcoff

This gripping and insightful book, written by Michael Witcoff, an ex-freemason himself, exposes the Lodge’s deceptions, the shocking truth and hidden agendas of the world’s most mysterious of institutions, from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

Since leaving freemasonry, Michael Witcoff has devoted his free time to educating other Christians on occult and esoteric topics. He had also published another book, called “On the Masons and their Lies” on Sunday Pentecost of 2018. The above book is the second edition.

By the end of this book, you’ll know far more about Freemasonry than most of its own members…and if you’re a Christian purchasing this for someone you care about, it just might be exactly what he needs to be saved from grave sin and error.

In the next pieces, I will give you the prologue and introduction of this book.

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