The ruling of Judge Edwina Grima regarding the published chats of Yorgen Fenech is another clear proof that evil doing goes unpunished.

The Shift gave us the news that Judge Edwina Grima has now changed idea and refused to take action against lawyer and former MP Jason Azzopardi for the leaked chats published by the aide of the coalition Mark Camilleri on which there was a ban from the court.Before this sentence the same Judge Grima held a different opinion and gave a sentence that publishing them was contempt of court and a criminal offence. However now she changed her opinion and ruled that the WhatsApp chats extracted from Yorgen Fenech’s mobile phone were not such that they would adequately be protected by law contrary to the AG’s assertion. The court would not therefore take any action against them being published.” Since when the ruling of sentences is based on an opinion? The same was done by the same Judge Grima in the case of Fr David Muscat.
Malta is so small. Same building with the stairs. Same judge. Same modus operandi. Same subjectivity. Change of sentences based on opinion.
It was the lawyers of Yorgen Fenech who picked up on Saviour Balzan’s article in which he blamed Jason Azzopardi who wrote to Attorney General Dr Victoria Buttigieg on 31st May. They “sought to claim on Fenech’s behalf that the chats’ publication violated their client’s right to a fair hearing and his right to private life.”

“They claimed Azzopardi threatened to publish extracts of the chats ‘in violation of a court order’ and because ‘the case in question is still before the criminal court of appeal’.”

“They added that the ‘uncontrolled sharing of documents has persisted from the beginning of proceedings to today’.

They described Azzopardi as having undertaken ‘consistent actions in disseminating documents that have been sealed by court order’.”
Even though Dr Victoria Buttigieg did her job and requested “for the Criminal Court to take action against lawyer and former MP Jason Azzopardi” and in her application before Judge Grima following receipt of the communication from Fenech’s lawyers the AG claimed that the WhatsApp chats in question fall under Article 517 (3) of the Criminal Code and asked for appropriate action to be taken by the court Judge Grima ruled against the AG’s request and held that the WhatsApp chats extracted from Yorgen Fenech’s mobile phone were not such that would properly be protected by the said article in our laws contrary to the AG’s assertion. The court would not therefore take any action against them being published.

Mark Camilleri tried to tarnish the site of Simon Mercieca on which I contributed with Mafia-connection allegations maybe because of the list of masonic politicians which I was given when clearly it is he who is breaching the law hand-in-hand with Jason Azzopardi of the masonic super filthy rich Opus Dei backed up by the Caruana Galizias who are backed up and protected by the freemasons the church media Times of Malta Europe the World Economic Forum the Repubblichini and Lady Justice in persona.

I have been trying to connect the dots since the Degiorgio’s press release because I noticed the pattern immediately. The truth is that Freemasons have hijacked our judicial system. Evarist Bartolo highlighted this danger which Dr. Joseph Muscat has confirmed.
Dear readers wait for more exposure of chats because Mark Camilleri is on record stating that he will do it again!

My humble advice to Yorgen Fenech’s lawyers Dr. Charles Mercieca and Dr. Caruana Curran comes from a quote from the Bible
“to the faithful you show yourself faithful to the blameless you show yourself blameless to the pure you show yourself pure but to the devious you show yourself shrewd.” (Psalms 18:25)

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