Radju Marija Malta ħarġu dan l-avviż fuq il-paġna tagħhom ta’ Facebook:
“Avviż maħruġ mill-LIBERATION MASS TEAM
Wara t-telfa ta’ Patri Elias Vella OFMConv ħassejna l-ħtieġa li din il-quddiesa għandha terġa tibda tiġi ċċelebrata. Għaldaqstant b’ħidma kkolaborata mal-KUMMISSJONI SATANIŻMU U OKKULT li issa tinsab immexxija mill-Eżorċista Patri Marchello Ghirlando OFM ħa terġa tibda tiġi ċċelebrata kull xahar u titmexxa minn wieħed mill-Eżorċisti.
L-ewwel quddiesa se tkun iċċelebrata nhar l-Erbgħa 14 ta’ Ġunju fil-Parroċċa ta’ San Ġwann iddedikata lill-Madonna ta’ Lourdes.It-tema tal-Quddiesa hija “Ħelsien minn Rabtiet mal-Ispiritiżmu”. Il-ħin ikun fis-6.30pm. Il-quddiesa tibda bit-tberik tal-ilma segwita bit-tberik tal-kongregazzjoni kif kien isir minn Patri Elias. Id-dilka taż-żejt (ANOINTING) issir wara l-Omelija. Inħeġġukhom biex twasslu l-kelma lill kull min jista’ jkun interessat li jattendi.
Għal aktar tagħrif u dettalji tista’ tibgħat email lil [email protected] jew mobile/ whatsapp 99496243.
Grazzi u l-Mulej jitfa’ l-barka u l-protezzjoni Tiegħu fuqna lkoll.”
In English:
“Notice issued by the Liberation Mass Team.
After the loss of Father Elias Vella OFMConv we felt the need that this mass should begin to be celebrated again.
Therefore with a collaborative work with the Satanism and Occult Commission which is now led by the Exorcist Father Marcello Ghirlando OFM it will start being celebrated again every month and it will be led by one of the Exorcists.
The first mass will be celebrated on Wednesday June 14 in the parish of St. John dedicated to our Lady of Lourdes. The theme of the mass is ‘Freedom from Ties with Spiritism’. The time is at 6.30pm. The mass begins with the blessing of the water followed by the blessing of the congregation as was done by Father Elias. The oil anointing takes place after the Homily. We encourage you to spread the word to anyone who may be interested in attending. For more information and details you can send an email to [email protected]” or mobile/whatsapp 99496243.
Thank you and God sends His blessings and protection on us all. ”
The “Liberation Mass” is the Eucharistic Celebration which used to be held monthly by Father Elias Vella at Our Lady of the Sorrows Parish Church St Paul’s Bay. Every celebration mass had its special intentions and special prayers on a particular theme. After the homily priests prayed on each person present at the Eucharist.
I had attended such a mass and Fr Elias had prayed on my head. I saw a great change for the better in my life with blessings pouring in. May the faithful find again their trust in Christ’s church and attend. I thank all those priests who are doing a great job in the spiritual warfare against evil which we are in.
Our Lady of Fatima pray for us and intercede for us.