When Peter Caruana Galizia filed a police report against Daphne and later dropped the charges.

We have it on black and white that according to the Europol report which Saviour Balzan published on Sunday 14th May Yorgen Fenech’s name is cleared from the false narrative that has been peddled by the mainstream media and by the Caruana Galizias and the coalition which is that he is the mastermind behind Daphne’s murder.

The Europol report also states that investigation points to two suspects. The first suspect is Keith Schembri. The second is Dr. Peter Caruana Galizia Daphne’s husband. In lieu of all this my mind continues to boggle as to why Fenech is still being pushed by the narrative as being the mastermind and why he is still in jail. I am not going to dwell deeper in this but something which I remember and which had left me a bit struck was the article by the local Independent which dates back to 11th March 2010 which reads:

“Peter Caruana Galizia the husband of The Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia dropped the charges against her in the court case that was due to begin yesterday.

He had filed a police report against Mrs Caruana Galizia claiming they had had an argument and she had thrown a plate at him injuring him slightly.
The case seemingly started off the saga between Mrs Caruana Galizia and Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera which began with a post on the columnist’s blog on 29 January.

In this first of a long series of posts – in which Mrs Caruana Galizia made a number of allegations about the magistrate – she wrote: ‘Last Saturday Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera threw a dinner party at the home she shares with her lover Robert Musumeci and told her guests to be sure to buy Malta Today the following morning.

‘There’s going to be a story about Daphne and Peter’ she said and proceeded to give them the details of what the story would be about.
The magistrate has filed a police report over the blog posts in which she is mentioned. Mrs Caruana Galizia was then charged in court accused of publishing material that the magistrate found offensive and defamatory. The case has not been concluded.”

In one of her blogs dated 29th January 2010 Daphne had written:

“There was no story the next day. The magistrate must have been sorely disappointed even though the newspaper is almost certainly using the time to work out how to frame the incomplete information it has been given without being hit by at least two major libel suits one by me and the other by my husband.”

Daphne added that her husband and herself had been together for 26 years and intended to stay together for the next 26 since “We love each other deeply. It is precisely because we love each other that we have overcome any number of terrible obstacles some of them beyond our control and some of them the consequences of our own actions.”

Seven years later and Daphne was assassinated. What worries me is that the mastermind/s and all those involved are still out there amongst us. When Daphne was killed my mind took me back to the above Independent article and started asking many questions. The questions that I asked were if there was truly going to be a story about Daphne and Peter on the Malta Today; what was the true cause of the argument between Daphne and her husband; if Daphne was happy in her marriage life and if her family was happy with her writings. Today I also ask if they were happy having to check for bombs under their cars. What a pity it was that on the day Daphne was killed this usual routine bomb checking was not done. What a pity it was that Daphne’s car was left outside by her son. Considering that Matthew Caruana Galizia was driving the same car the evening before another question I ask is how come the Degiorgios knew that it was going to be Daphne driving that car and not her son Matthew like he did the evening before. I presume that binoculars did the trick.

I let the readers analyse think and draw new conclusions.


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