Who are the Cabal, the Globalist Elites or the Ruling Families?

Who are the ruling elites?

Research points to 13 Illuminati families to whom the world’s population serves as the audience amused by their propaganda.  Due to their culture of secrecy many of their secrets are kept tightly under wraps giving nations embellished myths stories and fiction which the media spreads to mislead the public.

If you fear that they will take over the countries well they already have. For example they took over America long ago and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W.II.

Fritz Springmeier one of the greatest researchers behind the Illuminati families and their bloodlines did not come up with this research out of invented stories. Many of the tips that put his investigations on the right track came from people who had left the generational Satanic bloodlines of the Illuminati and had turned to Christ. Witnesses like David Hill John Todd and Tom Collins were destroyed when they tried to provide evidence of what they had personally witnessed.

Springmeier warns us that we cannot vote the Illuminati out of office since they control the major and minor political parties; the process of government the process of information flow the process of creating money and even Christendom. But God is real and He controls our hearts and lives in our spirit which is something that they can’t control. Hence their transhumanism project.

The existence of 13 Illuminati bloodlines has been verified by numerous individuals from various locations. In addition a number of ex-Illuminati members have validated this list of 13 families. Due to his insider status as a high ranking Freemason who served the Mafia David Hill who was looking into the Illuminati died. It was thanks to Hill’s research manuscript that Springmeier could validate his research.

“Coincidentally” Springmeir was incapacitated because it happened that after a vehicle accident in 2022 he was given anesthesia and antibiotics via IV for surgery which did not happen because his body had a severe reaction to the IV which was so severe that it has incapacitated him. Coincidence?
So who are these 13 families?

They are: the Mellons the Carnegies the Rothschilds the Rockefellers the Dukes the Astors the Dorrances the Reynoldses the Stilimans the Watsons the Tukes the Kleinworts the DuPonts the Warburgs the Phippses the Graces the Guggenheims the Milners the Drexels the Winthrops the Vanderbilts the Whitneys and other extremely wealthy Illuminated families who typically get along quite well with Communists who  supposedly want to take away the wealth of these men and give it to the people.

And then there are their bloodlines who are the Astor Bloodline the Bundy Bloodline the Collins Bloodline the DuPont Bloodline the Freeman Bloodline the Kennedy Bloodline the Li Bloodline the Onassis Bloodline the Reynolds Bloodline the Rockefeller Bloodline the Rothschild Bloodline the Russell Bloodline the Van Duyn Bloodline and the Merovingian Bloodline.

And then there are the Zoroastrian Bloodlines which are The House of Borgia the House of Breakspeare the House of Somaglia the House of Orsini the House of Conti the House of Chigi the House of Colonna the House of Medici the House of Gaetasi the House of Pomphili the House of Este the House of Aldobrandini and the House of Farnese.

And then there are the associated families which are The Disney Family the Krupp Family and the McDonald Family.

All these families and bloodlines are very powerful occult secret oligarchies which rule the world and pull the strings in ALL COUNTRIES. To maintain their occult practices these wealthy families developed strategies and tactics and they are hidden from the profane masses by numerous layers of secrecy but many authors have mentioned them.

I will be going through these families and bloodlines individually in future pieces.

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