The SOGIGESC UNIT is proof that the government has employed Gabi Calleja to push the LGBTIQA+ agenda on your children.

On the government’s website we find information about the SOGIGESC UNIT.

The same is found on the governmental Facebook page “Human Rights Directorate”:

Ironically this governmental section is about human rights – but then the government has no scruples in annihilating all the rights for the foetus to live and for standing up for women’s rights which might not be the same rights that Lara Dimitrejivic’s incompetency dictates. The government has no scruples in annihilating the rights of your children while they are shoved down their throat the LGBTIQA+ agenda.

The SOGIGESC Unit stands for Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics. Sweet and innocent information about it can be find on your beloved government’s website which reads:

“The Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Unit (SOGIGESC) was set up in June of 2018 to coordinate government policy in the field of LGBTIQ equality and provide support to other Ministries and Departments where required.

The SOGIGESC Unit is currently focused on the implementation of theLGBTIQ Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2022 that includes over 50 measures primarily aimed at mainstreaming LGBTIQ equality across a number of life spheres such as employment education health and sportand to address a number of intersectional areas such as aging migration and disability. This strategy and action plan follows the LGBTIQ Action Plan 2015-2017​.

The SOGIGESC Unit has published the below annual reports which outline the unit’s work and progress in reaching the targets set in the strategy and action plan.

Annual Report September 2018 – September 2019
Annual Report September 2019 – September 2020
​Annual Report September 2020 – September 2021
Annual Report September 2021 – September 2022​

This unit is also part and parcel of the EU’s agenda. It was the Council of Europe which set up the Council of Europe Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Unit in 2014 “to address human rights challenges based on the mandate given to it by recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. In particular it provides technical support and expertise to member states upon request through cooperation activities aiming at improving the legal and institutional frameworks builds capacity of administration staff and law enforcement but also promotes the sharing of good practices and raises awareness. Specific themes range from Legal Gender Recognition inclusion of SOGIESC-diversity in the Workplace combating SOGIESC-based hate crime hate speech and bullying as well as multiple discrimination (e.g. LBT women LGBTI ethnic minorities LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees LGBTI persons deprived of their liberty).”

“The Council of Europe standards and mechanisms seek to promote and ensure respect for the human rights of every individual. These include equal rights and dignity of all human beings  including lesbian gay bisexual transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons.”

Our bloody politicians have sold us and all our children to the EU.

Who is the head of the SOGIGESC Unit? Gabi Calleja. Isn’t this proof that she is employed by the government in order to shove down your childrens’ throats the LGBTIQA+ agenda? How much is the salary she is being given to be at the forefront of this nefarious agenda?

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