The Maltese masses should stop being masses with the silent “m” and turn into masses with a big “m”!
They are now protesting for the wrong reason and they are not realising that they are being led into a very well refined planned agenda. Those who are protesting in favour of Mark Camilleri are worshipping and standing up for an opportunist; another puppet in favour of abortion puppeteered by a brigade of puppets and puppeteers of the same baby killing spirit!
Those who are standing up for Camilleri should remember that those who fight corruption should first be clean themselves. Is Camilleri clean?
Those who are standing up for Camilleri should keep in mind that when something goes wrong in the circus they send in the clowns to distract the audience. Well something has gone wrong with this circus since the clowns are everywhere!
Those who are standing up for Camilleri should remember that the more ample is one’s self-confidence the more indoctrinated, ignorant, and self-authoritarian are such individuals. Wise people always weigh, listen and consider.
Did you notice the pattern? We first had an article of Camilleri in the PN’s library, then a photo of Camilleri with Metsola and then suddenly the story of Rosianne Cutajar was fully blown!
They are also protesting in favour of a blogger turned journalist, hero and god by the media and the mob. But when Profs Simon Mercieca was attacked and taken to court no one went down to the streets to ask for protection of a journalist proclaimed a mere blogger by the mob and some media portals.
I myself was called a “biċċa blogger” by a very kind reader. Call me what you want. If there is anyone who is uncomfortable with what I write just ignore like you did when you ignored the inserts on every Covid-19 vaccine. The more I am attacked the more I flourish because I remind myself that I am awake in an insane society and for this exact reason the same insane society will transfer its insanity onto me.
I was often called “conspiracy theorist”. At this point conspiracy theories might as well be called spoiler alerts because in a world of propaganda the truth is always a conspiracy. Crying out “conspiracy theory” every time you encounter a complex subject isn’t going to cut it in intellectual discourse.
When the brigade tried to stop this site and tried to even fire Profs Mercieca from his employment when at the end of the day Profs Mercieca has a family to feed no one said a word!
When Profs Mercieca was called a menace to society by the self-proclaimed Golden Calf which prides of gifted family jewels no one said a word.
To have people seeking worship thinking highly of themselves to the extent that they think they are above the law and to fuel hatred for a nefarious agenda does not only mean that we are being surrounded by empty vessels that make the most noise but it means that we have a dangerous situation fuelled by dangerous Mafiosi people.
It is also another chess move in the board game of Distraction.
Dear masses you cannot afford food, gas, rent or utilities but it’s not a recession; healthy young people and your loved ones are dying but it’s not the death vax; children are being sexualised but it’s not grooming. Then it means that you have died of cognitive dissonance while suffering from mass hypnosis which is the greatest form of control where the masses think they’re free but instead they are being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to.
What worries me is that instead of the masses joining together to fight the Great Reset; to fight the fact that politicians and the media lied spreading misinformation to peddle a false narrative; that politicians made millions selling you out to Big Pharma; to fight the self-appointed technocratic overlords who are attempting to construct a digital open air prison all around us; to fight the mainstream media; to fight all the Brigade of the Galizias, the Repubblichini and the whole coalition; to fight the fact that the government is abusing of the Constitution with a sleepy applauding PN and to fight the grooming of our children, the masses are protesting for a very wrong cause and character.
But then you have the which they try to silence not for posting false information but for exposing their agenda!
It is time for the masses to admit that the manipulative mainstream media’s job and those of Camilleri(s), Repubblichinis and Galizias are not to sell you the truth. Their job is to make sure you don’t find out the truth because that would be bad business.
Dear masses, if you are thinking like everyone else then you are not thinking!